The Ramasil Unigota Glue Campaign Lets You Undo
Amelia Roblin — March 11, 2011 — Marketing
References: loweginkgo & adsoftheworld
If only fixing mistakes in the real world was as simple as the Ramasil Unigota Glue campaign suggests. Ctrl+Z is a quick fix in the world of computers, but if only there was an "Undo" command in life.
What these witty print ads by Lowe Ginkgo suggest is precisely an easy solution to big boo-boos that may include repairing broken broken vases, smashed ornaments and shattered teapots -- all usually impossible tasks. With tiny shards of bone china and porcelain missing, priceless pieces are rendered costless.
Given the possibility that you're able to retrieve every sliver, the Ramasil Unigota Glue campaign boasts the ability to adhere it all back together again, as if you had effortlessly opted for the Edit>Undo sequence on your computer.
What these witty print ads by Lowe Ginkgo suggest is precisely an easy solution to big boo-boos that may include repairing broken broken vases, smashed ornaments and shattered teapots -- all usually impossible tasks. With tiny shards of bone china and porcelain missing, priceless pieces are rendered costless.
Given the possibility that you're able to retrieve every sliver, the Ramasil Unigota Glue campaign boasts the ability to adhere it all back together again, as if you had effortlessly opted for the Edit>Undo sequence on your computer.
Trend Themes
1. Repairing Broken Objects - The trend of repairing broken objects presents disruptive innovation opportunities for glue manufacturers to create stronger and more reliable adhesives.
2. Undo Concept in Real Life - The trend of applying the 'Undo' concept in real life situations offers disruptive innovation opportunities for product developers to create easy and efficient solutions for fixing mistakes.
3. Witty and Creative Advertising Campaigns - The trend of using witty and creative advertising campaigns provides disruptive innovation opportunities for marketing agencies to attract attention and engage consumers in unique ways.
Industry Implications
1. Glue Manufacturing - The glue manufacturing industry can explore disruptive innovation opportunities by developing adhesives that offer stronger bonding capabilities and ease of use in repairing broken objects.
2. Product Development - The product development industry can leverage the 'Undo' concept in real life situations to create innovative solutions for fixing mistakes and repairing damaged objects.
3. Marketing and Advertising - The marketing and advertising industry can take advantage of witty and creative campaigns to disrupt traditional advertising methods and engage consumers in more memorable and impactful ways.