New Restaurant Tropical Rain Forest Theme
lourdes sanchez bayas — April 22, 2008 — World
References: olssonlyckefors.se & yankodesign
New Restaurant is a Swedish restaurant that is really, really determined to go green. This is like the European version of the North American Rain Forest Cafe.
Architectural firm Olssonlyckefors has created a jungle-like atmosphere complete with cascading walls of foliage, giving the New Restaurant a design to provide its patrons with an environment where they feel they have been magically transported to a tropical paradise.
Not an entirely bad idea for a place located in a country of perpetual winters.
Architectural firm Olssonlyckefors has created a jungle-like atmosphere complete with cascading walls of foliage, giving the New Restaurant a design to provide its patrons with an environment where they feel they have been magically transported to a tropical paradise.
Not an entirely bad idea for a place located in a country of perpetual winters.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Dining - The trend of restaurants prioritizing sustainable practices, such as using green building design and materials, as seen in the New Restaurant design.
2. Immersive Dining Experience - The trend of restaurants creating themed environments to enhance the dining experience, as seen in the New Restaurant's jungle-like atmosphere.
3. International Restaurant Concepts - The trend of restaurants importing foreign food and design concepts, as seen in the European version of North America's Rain Forest Cafe at the New Restaurant.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can look to eco-friendly and themed designs to increase customer engagement and create memorable experiences, as seen in the New Restaurant's design.
2. F&B - The food and beverage industry can incorporate exotic themes and unique design concepts into their product offerings to appeal to a broader consumer base, as seen in the New Restaurant's jungle theme.
3. Architecture and Interior Design - The architecture and interior design industry can explore the use of green building materials and immersive designs to create sustainable and experiential spaces, as seen in Olssonlyckefors' design for the New Restaurant.