AYANEO Announced the Android-Based 'Pocket Air' Gaming Device
Colin Smith — January 18, 2023 — Tech
AYANEO announced the 'Pocket Air,' a handheld Android-based gaming device, and the latest release in AYANEO's 'AIR' lineup of small form factor devices. The Pocket Air has a 5.5-inch OLED screen similar to those used in the AIR PC devices. The most interesting part of the Pocket Air's hardware, though, is its joysticks and triggers, which use HALL sensors. This means, rather than a physical measured connection, the sticks and triggers are measured using a magnetic field, which improves durability and removes the potential for joystick or trigger drift.
As the Pocket Air runs an Android-based operating system, the device will be perfectly suited for cloud gaming, native Android gaming, handheld emulation, and even productivity via mobile Google applications. The company has yet to announce the processor, ram, storage, and price of the device, though this announcement will come near the end of January, with the release expected for March of 2023.
Image Credit: AYANEO
As the Pocket Air runs an Android-based operating system, the device will be perfectly suited for cloud gaming, native Android gaming, handheld emulation, and even productivity via mobile Google applications. The company has yet to announce the processor, ram, storage, and price of the device, though this announcement will come near the end of January, with the release expected for March of 2023.
Image Credit: AYANEO
Trend Themes
1. OLED Handheld Gaming Devices - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the gaming industry with advanced technology such as magnetic field sensing.
2. HALL Sensor Technology - Trend towards using non-contact magnetic field sensors in gaming technology for increased durability and reduced maintenance costs.
3. Cloud Gaming - Opportunities for innovation in cloud gaming technology for handheld devices.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Industry - Opportunities for gaming companies to leverage new technology trends in the handheld gaming market such as OLED screens and HALL sensors.
2. Mobile Device Industry - Potential disruptive innovation for mobile device manufacturers with an increased demand for OLED screens, HALL sensor technology, and cloud gaming support.
3. Productivity Software Industry - Opportunities for innovation in productivity software with new Android and cloud-based applications developed toward a gaming audience.