Pleasureable Troublemakers by Matthias Laschke Addresses Several Issues
Meghan Young — March 20, 2014 — Tech
References: dl.acm.org & fastcodesign
Pleasureable Troublemakers by Matthias Laschke, a German designer and doctoral student, are a set of gadgets designed to help people overcome their bad habits. Laschke started with two basic questions, "The question was for us: How could we help [people] overcome these obstacles and achieve their goals? How could they become the person they want to be?" From there, he designed products that addressed such issues involving sugar addictions, hot showers and procrastination.
For instance, the first of the Pleasureable Troublemakers by Matthias Laschke is dubbed the Chocolate Machine. Every hour a wrapped chocolate ball is dropped onto a desk and the person has the choice to eat it or place it back into the machine.
For instance, the first of the Pleasureable Troublemakers by Matthias Laschke is dubbed the Chocolate Machine. Every hour a wrapped chocolate ball is dropped onto a desk and the person has the choice to eat it or place it back into the machine.
Trend Themes
1. Bad Habit-breaking Gadgets - The trend of using gadgets to help people overcome their bad habits is creating disruptive innovation opportunities for designers and manufacturers.
2. Sugar Addiction Solutions - The trend of developing gadgets specifically designed to address sugar addictions is creating disruptive innovation opportunities for the healthcare and wellness industry.
3. Procrastination-controlling Devices - The trend of creating gadgets that combat procrastination is creating disruptive innovation opportunities for productivity tools and technology companies.
Industry Implications
1. Design - The design industry has opportunities to disrupt the market by creating innovative gadgets that help people overcome bad habits.
2. Healthcare and Wellness - The healthcare and wellness industry can leverage the trend of addressing sugar addictions through gadgets to create disruptive solutions for improved health outcomes.
3. Productivity Tools and Technology - The productivity tools and technology industry can seize disruptive innovation opportunities by developing devices that combat procrastination and enhance efficiency.