Philip Govedare's Excavation Series Captures Photo-Realistic Views
Jana Pijak — June 8, 2014 — Art & Design
References: philipgovedare & butdoesitfloat
Visual artist Philip Govedare captures mountainous landscape views in his series of painted works entitled "Excavation". The painter describes his work as "a response to the landscape we inhabit with all its complexity and layered meanings."
His pieces evoke a sense of calm and stoic beauty that is found within our natural environment. Mixing gorgeously blended tones, the artist captures the light, color, texture and atmosphere of his illustrated landscape locations.
Using an oil-based medium, Philip Govedare creates memorable and visually striking art works that draw the viewer in. The paintings are abstract at first glance but transform into distant mountainous landscapes upon closer inspection. The painter finds beauty in nature and mimics the strokes and colors created by mother earth in his own depictions.
His pieces evoke a sense of calm and stoic beauty that is found within our natural environment. Mixing gorgeously blended tones, the artist captures the light, color, texture and atmosphere of his illustrated landscape locations.
Using an oil-based medium, Philip Govedare creates memorable and visually striking art works that draw the viewer in. The paintings are abstract at first glance but transform into distant mountainous landscapes upon closer inspection. The painter finds beauty in nature and mimics the strokes and colors created by mother earth in his own depictions.
Trend Themes
1. Realistic Landscape Paintings - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop digital tools or augmented reality applications that allow users to interact with and explore realistic landscape paintings in a more immersive way.
2. Abstract-realism Fusion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a new genre of art that combines elements of abstraction and realism, pushing the boundaries of traditional painting techniques.
3. Nature-inspired Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce sustainable and eco-friendly art materials and techniques that align with the growing demand for environmentally conscious products in the art industry.
Industry Implications
1. Art Galleries - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate virtual reality exhibitions to showcase realistic landscape paintings, providing a unique and immersive art-viewing experience.
2. Art Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop online platforms or mobile apps that offer interactive tutorials and lessons on creating realistic landscape paintings, making art education more accessible and engaging.
3. Eco-friendly Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create and market art supplies made from sustainable and non-toxic materials, catering to the increasing demand for environmentally friendly products in the art industry.