The Panasonic NN-SV79MS is Compatible with Alexa
Laura McQuarrie — January 6, 2022 — Tech
References: prnewswire
At the kickoff of CES 2022, the release of the Panasonic NN-SV79MS was announced and this smart microwave oven sets itself apart with the ability to take commands via Amazon Alexa. The Panasonic Smart Inverter Countertop Microwave Oven can be controlled with any Alexa-enabled device or the Alexa app.
This smart kitchen appliance is compatible with the Echo or Echo Dot and it has the ability to understand more than 100 commands. Users might choose to ask for a specific cooking time, pause, stop or resume, or defrost and reheat food and beverages. A command like "Alexa, melt 1 cup of chocolate in the microwave" might be used to soften or melt items in the microwave, while "Alexa, warm food for 15 minutes" is all it takes to keep meals heated.
This smart kitchen appliance is compatible with the Echo or Echo Dot and it has the ability to understand more than 100 commands. Users might choose to ask for a specific cooking time, pause, stop or resume, or defrost and reheat food and beverages. A command like "Alexa, melt 1 cup of chocolate in the microwave" might be used to soften or melt items in the microwave, while "Alexa, warm food for 15 minutes" is all it takes to keep meals heated.
Trend Themes
1. Voice-controlled Microwave Ovens - With the advancement of voice assistants, there is an opportunity to develop voice-controlled smart kitchen appliances that allow users to cook and heat food without physically interacting with a device.
2. Internet of Things (iot) Enabled Kitchen Appliances - The integration of IoT technology with kitchen appliances is revolutionizing the cooking experience, offering a unique opportunity to create smart kitchen ecosystems that allow seamless control of various appliances with fewer resources and less time.
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assisted Cooking - The use of AI algorithms and machine learning algorithms in kitchen appliances can create an intelligent assistant that can adjust cooking times and temperatures based on historical data and user preferences. This technology presents an opportunity for personalized cooking experiences that are tailored to individual needs and preferences.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics Industry - The introduction of voice assistants in smart kitchen appliances creates an opportunity for consumer electronics companies to develop new category products that are specifically designed to work in a connected smart-home ecosystem.
2. Home Appliance Industry - Integrating IoT technology into kitchen appliances could help traditional home appliance companies keep up with the fast-changing technology trends while streamlining the homes’ ecosystem and making life easier for consumers.
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Industry - The AI industry presents an opportunity to develop intelligent algorithms that can learn user preferences and adjust cooking instructions accordingly. Additionally, AI algorithms can help identify cooking errors and advise on how to adjust cooking times or temperatures to achieve desired results.