Panasonic Evolta PR Stunt
References: pinktentacle
On May 24 Panasonic performed a robotic publicity stunt to promote Evolta. Specifically the stunt was to demonstrate the endurance of the AA alkaline dry-cell batteries.
The stunt had a 17-centimeter tall, 130-gram Panasonic Robot powered by a pair Evolta batteries scale a 500-meter cliff at the Grand Canyon.
During the 6 hour and 45 minute stunt, which the Guinness Book of World Records recognized as the longest-lasting of its kind, the robot hoisted itself up a 530-meter length of rope suspended next to the cliff.
Energizer, bring up your bunnies, I smell a robotic duel!
The stunt had a 17-centimeter tall, 130-gram Panasonic Robot powered by a pair Evolta batteries scale a 500-meter cliff at the Grand Canyon.
During the 6 hour and 45 minute stunt, which the Guinness Book of World Records recognized as the longest-lasting of its kind, the robot hoisted itself up a 530-meter length of rope suspended next to the cliff.
Energizer, bring up your bunnies, I smell a robotic duel!
Trend Themes
1. Robotics in Advertising - The use of robots in publicity stunts presents an opportunity for companies to create innovative and attention-grabbing advertising campaigns.
2. Battery Endurance Demonstrations - Demonstrating the endurance of batteries through challenging feats like climbing a cliff can help showcase the capabilities and reliability of the product.
3. Robot-assisted Climbing - The development of climbing robots opens up possibilities for industries such as construction and exploration to use autonomous technology to navigate challenging terrains.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can explore the use of robotics in publicity stunts to create memorable and engaging campaigns.
2. Battery Manufacturing - Battery manufacturers can leverage battery endurance demonstrations as a marketing strategy to highlight the strengths of their products and attract customers.
3. Robotics and Automation - The robotics and automation industry can further develop climbing robots to assist in various sectors such as construction and exploration, revolutionizing how tasks are performed in challenging environments.