The 'Olly Desk' by Pavel Vetrov Offers Ample Space for Essentials
Michael Hemsworth — June 29, 2020 — Art & Design
References: pavelvetrov & yankodesign
Desks with drawers and ample storage are great for organization but often have a large design that takes up large amounts of space in an office, so the 'Olly Desk' is positioned as an open-concept alternative. Designed by Pavel Petrov for Zegen, the desk features cutouts on the top rear section that can be used for placing writing utensils and/or styluses, while also offering areas for docking smartphones and/or tablets. This will keep everything within reach and also allow for dual-screen use to enhance workflow.
The 'Olly Desk' also features a traditional drawer for holding other essentials out of sight and is rounded off with a small cutout for cable management to prevent cords from cluttering up the workspace.
The 'Olly Desk' also features a traditional drawer for holding other essentials out of sight and is rounded off with a small cutout for cable management to prevent cords from cluttering up the workspace.
Trend Themes
1. Open-concept Desks - Creating minimalistic and functional furniture solutions in the future of workspace design.
2. Dual-screen Use - The integration of multiple screens for higher productivity in the digital age.
3. Integrated Technology - The incorporation of technology as an essential element of furniture design and overall workspace functionality.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - New products that cater to the changing needs of modern workers and their work environment for increased efficiency and productivity.
2. Technology - Incorporating technology into office furniture design and functionality, creating new products for the technology industry.
3. Interior Design - Integrating furniture design, technology and workspaces design trends for creating more efficient and productive work environments in the future.