The Conceptual 'NOPS' Air Purifier Cleans the Space Around a Person
Michael Hemsworth — June 18, 2020 — Tech
References: yankodesign
The conceptual 'NOPS' air purifier has been designed by Narendra Chakraborty as a specific kind of personal purifier that works to protect users from the effects of secondhand smoke. The purifier works by being used by non-smokers when they are in the presence of a smoker and will go to work filtering out smoke that could pass in front of them. The unit will then capture the rogue smoke thanks to a replaceable filter inside the system that can be swapped out as frequently or infrequently as required.
The conceptual 'NOPS' air purifier -- which stands for 'NO Passive Smoking' -- helps to provide support for those who want to protect their health when in public spaces where others are smoking cigarettes or other substances.
The conceptual 'NOPS' air purifier -- which stands for 'NO Passive Smoking' -- helps to provide support for those who want to protect their health when in public spaces where others are smoking cigarettes or other substances.
Trend Themes
1. Personal Air Purifiers - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced personal air purifiers that eliminate specific harmful components, such as secondhand smoke.
2. Smoke Filtering Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative smoke filtering technologies that efficiently remove secondhand smoke from the air in real-time.
3. Health-protecting Devices - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design devices that prioritize individuals' health by actively filtering out harmful substances, including secondhand smoke.
Industry Implications
1. Air Purification - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce customized air purification solutions that specifically cater to personal health concerns, like secondhand smoke exposure.
2. Consumer Electronics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop compact and portable personal air purifiers that can be easily incorporated into everyday consumer electronic devices and accessories.
3. Healthcare - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with healthcare providers to integrate personal air purifiers into medical settings to protect patients from secondhand smoke.