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Top 100 Health Trends in 2020

From Social Distancing Dresses to Walk-Through Sanitizers

— January 23, 2021 — Lifestyle
The 2020 health trends include an array of products that were created both before the COVID-19 pandemic, and in response to it—with everything from concept designs that would enable users to safely attend a concert, to apps that ensure they have sufficiently washed their hands included.

To reduce the amount of waste caused by the increased need for PPE among the general population, Bilio devised a protective face covering that uses a zero-waste knitting process. The unique manufacturing process allows Bilio to make its masks from a single piece of material, which incorporates different components.

As many have likely become hyperaware of how often they touch their face, the 'Immutouch' wearable was created to help users limit the spread of germs by keeping them aware of their personal habits. When it senses that the user is about to touch their face, it will send an alert.

For more health trends in the year ahead, check out Trend Hunter's 2021 Trend Report.
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Shielding Portable Partitions
Shielding Portable Partitions
SimScreen's SeparationScreen is a Customizable Barrier Solution
Temperature-Taking Smartphones
Temperature-Taking Smartphones
The Huawei Honor Play 4 Has an Infrared Temperature Sensor
Free Hand Sanitizer Initiatives
Free Hand Sanitizer Initiatives
LVMH is Offering Free Hand Sanitizer to French Health Authorities
Walk-Through Sanitizers
Walk-Through Sanitizers
CLeanTech Permits Entry with Built-In Temperature Checking
Non-Medical Mask Directories
Non-Medical Mask Directories
Mask Makers Club Helps People Purchase Locally Made Non-Medical Masks
Smart Gym Solutions
Smart Gym Solutions
EGYM's Immunity Plus Supports Reopening Fitness Facilities
Comfortable Kid-Friendly Face Masks
Comfortable Kid-Friendly Face Masks
These Children's Face Masks are Tailored for Small Faces
Cheerful Donut-Themed Face Masks
Cheerful Donut-Themed Face Masks
These Dunkin' Face Masks Come in Five Vibrant Options
Upcycled Milk Masks
Upcycled Milk Masks
Discarded's Eco-Friendly Face Mask is Made from Casein Protein Extracts
Hand-Washing Watch Apps
Hand-Washing Watch Apps
Samsung's Hand Wash App Encourages Healthy Hygiene Practices
Portable Room Sterilizers
Portable Room Sterilizers
The Conceptual 'UV Irradiator' Bathes Areas in UV-C Light to Kill Germs
Friendly Childhood Sleep Trainers
Friendly Childhood Sleep Trainers
The 'Pali' Sleep Trainer Helps Kids Learn About Scheduling
UV-C Sanitizer Boxes
UV-C Sanitizer Boxes
The 'Blue Box UV' Sanitizer Uses No Heat, Chemicals or Liquids
Bacteria-Eliminating Tech Wipes
Bacteria-Eliminating Tech Wipes
The HÄNS 'Ultra Clean' Cloth & Cleanser System is Reusable
3D-Printed Face Shields
3D-Printed Face Shields
Nagami Design is Crafting Protective Equipment for Medical Staff
Physical Distance Retail Monitors
Physical Distance Retail Monitors
The Indyme 'SmartDome' Tracks Shopper Movements
Recyclable Protective Face Coverings
Recyclable Protective Face Coverings
The 'Origami' Face Shield by Jake Rynkiewicz is Low-Cost
Banana-Dominant Healthy Vegan Snacks
Banana-Dominant Healthy Vegan Snacks
The Monkey Bar is Delicious and Perfect for a Mid-Day Refuel
Personal Space Air Purifiers
Personal Space Air Purifiers
The PURUS Air i Plus Cleans the Air Immediately Around the User
UV Toothbrush Sanitizers
UV Toothbrush Sanitizers
The M-Care Electric Toothbrush & UV Sanitizer Deters Bacteria & Viruses
Pathogen-Eradicating Air Cleaners
Pathogen-Eradicating Air Cleaners
The 'Gino' Personal Air Sanitizer Destroys Airborne Microbes
Functional Electrical Stimulation Clothing
Functional Electrical Stimulation Clothing
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Creates Tech Solutions
Portable Minimalist Thermometers
Portable Minimalist Thermometers
The THERM ME Small Thermometer Works with a Real-Time AI App
Anti-Face Touching Wearables
Anti-Face Touching Wearables
The 'Immutouch' Wearable Alerts Users When They Touch Their Face
Antimicrobial Fitness Accessories
Antimicrobial Fitness Accessories
Lutava's FITSHIELD Fabric Technology Targets Bacteria & Viruses
Device-Charging Sanitization Stations
Device-Charging Sanitization Stations
The Einova Mundus Pro Sanitizing Device is Multifunctional
Cooling Face Covers
Cooling Face Covers
Seas Cooling Face Covers are Made with Coolcore Fabric
Safe Distance Park Designs
Safe Distance Park Designs
NYC's Domino Park Paints Large Circles to Encourage Social Distancing
Shipping Container Testing Centers
Shipping Container Testing Centers
Grimshaw's Prefab Structures Were Made for Mass Health Testing
Proximity-Monitoring Health Wearables
Proximity-Monitoring Health Wearables
This Social Distancing Wearable Enforces Protocol
Design-Conscious Toothbrushes
Design-Conscious Toothbrushes
The Forest Electric Toothbrush by Second White Has a Chic Aesthetic
Air-Purifying Table Lamps
Air-Purifying Table Lamps
The puripot 'airLamp' Optimizes Air at CES 2020
AI-Powered Ear Exam Devices
AI-Powered Ear Exam Devices
The Conceptual 'Oto' Ear Examination Tool Decreases Error by 50%
Sanitizing Hand Creams
Sanitizing Hand Creams
Recherché's Protective Recovery Hand Cream Does Not Have a Gel Formula
Low-Cost Filter Face Masks
Low-Cost Filter Face Masks
The 'i-ous' Face Mask Eliminates the Need for Expensive Alternatives
Antibacterial Copper-Infused Face Masks
Antibacterial Copper-Infused Face Masks
The 'CSC01 COPPER SHIELD' Face Mask Kills Germs on Contact
Sleep Support Illuminators
Sleep Support Illuminators
The Hatch Restore Offers a Better Night's Sleep at CES 2020
Body Fat-Analyzing Devices
Body Fat-Analyzing Devices
The 'Bello' Digital Fat Scanner Helps Users Maintain Healthy Lifestyles
Snore-Stopping Pillows
Snore-Stopping Pillows
10Minds Shared the Motion Pillow 2 at CES 2020
Virus-Safe Fitness Centers
Virus-Safe Fitness Centers
Oxygen Yoga and Fitness Reopens Implementing Protective Shields
Parental Accessory Sanitizers
Parental Accessory Sanitizers
The Grownsy UVC Pacifier Sanitizer Keeps Soothers Free of Germs
Stress-Reducing Smart Glasses
Stress-Reducing Smart Glasses
The 'Blueberry' Smart Glasses Help Wearers Understand Their Health
Personalized Sleep Supplements
Personalized Sleep Supplements
Proper Approaches Sleep Health in an Individualized & Holistic Way
Geometric Paper Face Masks
Geometric Paper Face Masks
The 'Willy' Face Mask is Made from Household Materials
Virus-Tracking Wearable Studies
Virus-Tracking Wearable Studies
The Oura TemPredict Study will Monitor for COVID-19 Patterns
Responsive High-Tech Beds
Responsive High-Tech Beds
Eight Sleep's Pod Pro Adapts to Support Optimal Sleep Health
Opulent Diamond-Covered Face Masks
Opulent Diamond-Covered Face Masks
This Diamond-Encrusted Face Mask will Have 3,608 Stones
Body Temperature-Lowering Pillows
Body Temperature-Lowering Pillows
The 'Dullo Plus' Pillow Dissipates Heat for a Comfortable Sleep
Ergonomically-Structured Pillows
Ergonomically-Structured Pillows
The Zoey Sleep Curved Pillow Was Designed for Side Sleepers
Vitamin E-Infused Face Masks
Vitamin E-Infused Face Masks
Wise Protec's Anti-Viral Skin Care Mask Kills Bacteria and Protects
Travel-Friendly Portable Bidets
Travel-Friendly Portable Bidets
The HappyPo Easy-Bidet Eliminates the Need for a Dedicated Fixture
Space-Sanitizing Fog Machines
Space-Sanitizing Fog Machines
The Gecco Gropo I Disinfectant Fogger Quickly Cleans and Sanitizes
Focus-Boosting Chewing Gums
Focus-Boosting Chewing Gums
Neuro Gum & Neuro Mints Share a Simple Way to Boost Energy & Attention
Magnetic Medication Organizers
Magnetic Medication Organizers
The Sagely Weekly Pill Organizer Works with an Accompanying App
Beloved Character Face Masks
Beloved Character Face Masks
Disney's Baby Yoda Face Masks are Now Available
Letterbox-Sized Supplement Packaging
Letterbox-Sized Supplement Packaging
Heights Uses Bottles and Boxes That are Easily Delivered
Inflatable Lifesaving Collars
Inflatable Lifesaving Collars
The 'Wuanap' Smart Life Collar Keeps the Wearer's Head Above Water
Nano Fiber Face Masks
Nano Fiber Face Masks
The Airable Mask is Comfortable, Protective and Highly Breathable
Anti-Contact Brass Keychains
Anti-Contact Brass Keychains
The 'Talontag' Anti-Contact Keychain Prevents Pathogen Spread
Exclusive Mental Wellness Kits
Exclusive Mental Wellness Kits
Crying Out Loud Arranges a Special Kit for Emotional Rescue
Mix-and-Match Functional Drinks
Mix-and-Match Functional Drinks
YUNO's BioTactical Drinks Were Made to Be Combined
Light-Powered Mouthwashes
Light-Powered Mouthwashes
The 'Lumoral' System Uses Light-Activated Mouthwash to Kill Bacteria
Silicone Flossing Packs
Silicone Flossing Packs
SimplyFloss Makes Flossing More Convenient and Enjoyable
Antimicrobial Bedding Cocoons
Antimicrobial Bedding Cocoons
This Antibacterial Sleep Cocoon Keeps Sleepers Free from Germs
Pleated Filter Face Masks
Pleated Filter Face Masks
The 'Respo' Engineered Face Mask Has Replaceable Components
Calming Chewing Gums
Calming Chewing Gums
Bubble Calm is a Functional Chewing Gum for Stress Relief
Germ Avoidance Keychains
Germ Avoidance Keychains
The 'Shield20' Door Opener Has a Multifunctional Design to Avoid Surfaces
Hospital-Grade Sanitizer Holders
Hospital-Grade Sanitizer Holders
The 'GelAuto' Wearable Hand Sanitizer Dispenser is Intuitive
Connected Medication Organizers
Connected Medication Organizers
The 'MedHub' Smart Pill Organizer Helps Support User Health
App-Connected AI Toothbrushes
App-Connected AI Toothbrushes
Oral-B iO's AI & Algorithms Optimize Oral Health
Wearable Urbanite Air Monitors
Wearable Urbanite Air Monitors
The 'Aero' Portable Air Quality Monitor is Health-Focused
Hands-Free Door Handles
Hands-Free Door Handles
In Light of COVID-19, Ivo Tedbury & Freddie Hong Present a Useful Design
Personal Portable Diffusers
Personal Portable Diffusers
Saje Wellness' On-the-Go Diffuser is Compact, Quiet & Convenient
Contemporary Silicone Face Masks
Contemporary Silicone Face Masks
The 'LMP S2' Reusable Protective Face Mask Has an N99 Filter
Tactile Meditation Devices
Tactile Meditation Devices
The Core Meditation Trainer is a Tangible Tool for Improving the Mind
Protective Gear Vending Machines
Protective Gear Vending Machines
The Selecta 'Safety Stations' are Being Set Up Across Europe
Cyclist Helmet Air Purifiers
Cyclist Helmet Air Purifiers
The 'IWIND' Wearable Breathing Filter Provides Fresh, Purified Air
Supportive Self-Care Pillows
Supportive Self-Care Pillows
These Walden Meditation Pillows Offer a Dedicated Place to Practice
Protective Air Purification Helmets
Protective Air Purification Helmets
The NE-1 Helmet Offers N95-Rated Filtration and More
Assistive Digital Meditation Stones
Assistive Digital Meditation Stones
The Conceptual 'Ayama' Guides Users with Their Breathing
Collapsible Pocket Hygiene Tools
Collapsible Pocket Hygiene Tools
The 'Shield' by Damned Designs is Durable and Discreet
Invite-Only Fitness Lounges
Invite-Only Fitness Lounges
New York City's Ghost Creates Members-Only Luxury Fitness Experiences
Wearable Sanitizer Dispensers
Wearable Sanitizer Dispensers
The 'Bond Sanitizer' Keeps Cleansing Product within Reach
Reusable Nanofiltration Face Masks
Reusable Nanofiltration Face Masks
The 'O2 Nano Mask' Blocks 99.9% of PM2.5 Particles
Hearing Impaired Face Mask Designs
Hearing Impaired Face Mask Designs
A College Student Created a Face Mask Design for the Deaf
80s-Inspired Face Shields
80s-Inspired Face Shields
The DEVO Energy Dome Face Shield Has an Iconic Design
Self-Protection Suits
Self-Protection Suits
The Micrashell by Production Club Supports Socialization Without Distancing
Zero-Waste Face Masks
Zero-Waste Face Masks
Bilio Makes Protective Masks with a Zero-Waste Knitting Process
Hygienic Handsfree Door Openers
Hygienic Handsfree Door Openers
The 'StepNPull' Foot Door Handle Prevents Pathogen Spread
Hormone-Balancing Drink Mixes
Hormone-Balancing Drink Mixes
Your Super's Moon Balance Soothes Menstruation & Menopause Symptoms
Mask-Holding Silicone Envelopes
Mask-Holding Silicone Envelopes
The ELFRhino Silicone Face Mask Holder Ensures Safe Storage
Social Distancing Dresses
Social Distancing Dresses
Multiply Created a Preventative Fashion Accessory Inspired by Crinolines
Wearable Sanitizer Sprayers
Wearable Sanitizer Sprayers
The 'PumPiX' Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Packs 100 Doses of Disinfectant
Foldable Protective Face Masks
Foldable Protective Face Masks
The Closca Mask Design is Reusable, Washable and Adjustable
Face Mask-Disinfecting Devices
Face Mask-Disinfecting Devices
The 'SaniCase' Keeps Face Coverings Clean and Sanitizer on Hand
Wrist-Worn Sanitizer Dispensers
Wrist-Worn Sanitizer Dispensers
This Conceptual Wearable Sanitizer Dispenser is Easy to Use
Five-Layer Filter Masks
Five-Layer Filter Masks
The Airinum Urban Air Mask Filters Pollution, Bacteria and More
Reusable Silicone Face Masks
Reusable Silicone Face Masks
GIR's Platinum-Cured Silicone is a Non-Medical Mask for General Use
Anti-Contact Face Shields
Anti-Contact Face Shields
The 'Blocc' Face Shield Prevents Users from Touching Their Face
Self-Sterilizing Transparent Face Masks
Self-Sterilizing Transparent Face Masks
The 'Leaf' Mask Has an N99+ HEPA Filter and More