Trendopoly — May 11, 2007 — Naughty
References: anapsid.org & neatorama
If you're a student in Manitoba, Canada then you get your sex education in a very unique way. Every year school buses full of children flock to the snake pits to witness the insane swarming masses of red-sided garter snakes entwined in a mating ball orgy.
The phenomenon is created when females release a pheromone after emerging from hibernation. The scent drives the male snakes crazy and has them all scrambling in a frenzy to rush to her creating a heaving mass of snake desire.
The phenomenon is created when females release a pheromone after emerging from hibernation. The scent drives the male snakes crazy and has them all scrambling in a frenzy to rush to her creating a heaving mass of snake desire.
Trend Themes
1. Environmental Education - Using unusual and captivating natural phenomena to educate children about the environment.
2. Experiential Learning - Engaging students in hands-on and immersive educational experiences outside of the classroom.
3. Alternative Approaches to Sex Education - Exploring unconventional methods to teach students about reproductive biology and sexual behavior.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism and Travel - Creating educational travel packages that incorporate unique natural phenomena and attractions.
2. Education and Training - Developing innovative curriculum approaches and resources to enhance experiential learning opportunities.
3. Entertainment and Media - Creating engaging and informative content that presents alternative approaches to sex education in a non-taboo manner.