Kate Moss Launches Fashion Venture With Topshop Owner
Kate Moss knows an opportunity when she sees one and this is a big one. The model turned business woman is teaming up with Philip Green and Simon Cowell on a new business. Philip Green not a familiar name? Yeah, he’s the guy who owns Topshop!
Kate Moss will be making about $80 million on the deal with Simon Cowell and Philip Green - not bad for a day's work. The three will be starting a new entertainment group and Kate Moss will direct the style of the brand. Until her new company and its style are unveiled, you can take a look at Kate’s style in the gallery above.
Kate Moss will be making about $80 million on the deal with Simon Cowell and Philip Green - not bad for a day's work. The three will be starting a new entertainment group and Kate Moss will direct the style of the brand. Until her new company and its style are unveiled, you can take a look at Kate’s style in the gallery above.
Trend Themes
1. Branded Entertainment - The launch of a new entertainment group by Kate Moss, Philip Green and Simon Cowell offers disruptive innovation opportunities in branded entertainment.
2. Celebrity Branding - Kate Moss partnering with Topshop owner Philip Green offers disruptive innovation opportunities in celebrity branding.
3. Fashion Collaboration - The partnership of Kate Moss and Topshop owner Philip Green offers disruptive innovation opportunities in fashion collaboration.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Kate Moss partnering with Topshop owner Philip Green offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the fashion industry.
2. Entertainment - The launch of a new entertainment group by Kate Moss, Philip Green and Simon Cowell offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the entertainment industry.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Kate Moss and Topshop owner Philip Green's partnership offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the area of marketing and advertising.