Was Planet of the Apes for Real?
karl burkart — August 29, 2008 — Unique
References: news.nationalgeographic & news.nationalgeographic
All the buzz about Big Foot got me thinking about the possibility of Human Neanderthal interbreeding. Half-man, half-ape, Bigfoot begs the question: just how CLOSELY were we related?
It turns out, well, very close! A recent skull finding in Romania proves that homo sapiens did in fact get it on with their more ape-like cousins, the Neanderthals.
And apparently, the phenomenon of interbreeding or, as its called in the scientific world, “hybrid speciation” is quiet common. Advances in DNA testing, are now allowing scientists to trace the parental roots of every species on earth. The findings -- well there was a whole lot of hanky panky.
Animals were generally thought to evolve the opposite way, when a single species gradually splits into two over many generations. But according to biologist James Mallet of University College London, this phenomenon of interbreeding, once considered a “sexual blunder” turns out to be a major force in the evolution of life on earth.
Think of a nectarine: half peach, half plum, super delicious. It seems nature has been quite in favor of a little sexual experimentation. Hybrid speciation is far more common than anyone thought, marking a major change in evolutionary theory.
It turns out, well, very close! A recent skull finding in Romania proves that homo sapiens did in fact get it on with their more ape-like cousins, the Neanderthals.
And apparently, the phenomenon of interbreeding or, as its called in the scientific world, “hybrid speciation” is quiet common. Advances in DNA testing, are now allowing scientists to trace the parental roots of every species on earth. The findings -- well there was a whole lot of hanky panky.
Animals were generally thought to evolve the opposite way, when a single species gradually splits into two over many generations. But according to biologist James Mallet of University College London, this phenomenon of interbreeding, once considered a “sexual blunder” turns out to be a major force in the evolution of life on earth.
Think of a nectarine: half peach, half plum, super delicious. It seems nature has been quite in favor of a little sexual experimentation. Hybrid speciation is far more common than anyone thought, marking a major change in evolutionary theory.
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Speciation - The phenomenon of interbreeding, or hybrid speciation, is proving to be a major force in the evolution of life on earth.
2. Advances in DNA Testing - DNA testing advancements are now allowing scientists to trace the parental roots of every species on earth, revealing a history of interbreeding.
3. Commonness of Hybrid Speciation - Hybrid speciation is far more common than previously thought, challenging traditional evolutionary theories.
Industry Implications
1. DNA Testing Industry - The DNA testing industry can capitalize on advances in technology to provide more accurate and detailed ancestral DNA analysis for individuals and species.
2. Evolutionary Biology Industry - The field of evolutionary biology can explore the implications of hybrid speciation on the understanding of species development and adaptation.
3. Biotechnology Industry - The biotechnology industry can leverage the knowledge of hybrid speciation to develop new methods and technologies for genetic engineering and bio-manufacturing.