Vyld Makes Healthy Period Products from Seaweed
Laura McQuarrie — September 13, 2022 — Eco
References: vyldness.de & vegconomist
Vyld is a Berlin-based start-up that makes healthy period products with seaweed that help to support a well-balanced vaginal microbiome.
Vyld collaborated with MyMicrobiome, the world’s leading company in independent microbiome-friendly certifications, on a scientific study. As Dr. Kristin Neumann, CEO of MyMicrobiome explains, "The results of the pilot project are promising: lactobacilli, which are important for the vaginal microbiome, showed above-average positive growth compared to comparative products made from cotton and viscose. An intact vaginal microbiome is important to ward off pathogens."
One period product at a time, the start-up is challenging conventional menstruation products that contain toxic substances and are constructed from wasteful materials. Kelpon tampons are plastic-free and biodegradable on land and in water.
Vyld collaborated with MyMicrobiome, the world’s leading company in independent microbiome-friendly certifications, on a scientific study. As Dr. Kristin Neumann, CEO of MyMicrobiome explains, "The results of the pilot project are promising: lactobacilli, which are important for the vaginal microbiome, showed above-average positive growth compared to comparative products made from cotton and viscose. An intact vaginal microbiome is important to ward off pathogens."
One period product at a time, the start-up is challenging conventional menstruation products that contain toxic substances and are constructed from wasteful materials. Kelpon tampons are plastic-free and biodegradable on land and in water.
Trend Themes
1. Microbiome-friendly Period Products - A trend toward developing period products that support a healthy vaginal microbiome with ingredients like seaweed could disrupt the conventional menstrual product market.
2. Sustainable and Biodegradable Menstrual Products - As consumers become more conscious of the environmental impact of conventional menstrual products, there is an opportunity for companies to create sustainable products like Vyld's kelp fiber tampons.
3. Collaboration with Microbiome Research Companies - Partnering with microbiome research companies to scientifically demonstrate the health benefits of ingredients in period products, like Vyld's collaboration with MyMicrobiome, could become a trend for promoting innovative period products.
Industry Implications
1. Feminine Hygiene - Companies in the feminine hygiene industry could benefit from incorporating sustainable, microbiome-friendly ingredients in their products.
2. Microbiome Research - Microbiome research companies could explore collaborations with feminine hygiene companies to test the effectiveness of new ingredients for period products that support a healthy vagina microbiome.
3. Sustainable Packaging - As the trend toward sustainable menstrual products grows, there could be an opportunity for the sustainable packaging industry to help develop and distribute eco-friendly packaging for these products.