Ontario Company Offers Alternative Power
Bamboo Magazine — April 4, 2007 — Eco
References: bullfrogpower
You too can join the likes of Gord Downie (The Tragically Hip,) Steven Page (Barenaked Ladies,) and Margaret Atwood and purchase your electricity from Bullfrog Power, Ontario's first 100% green electricity retailer. Bullfrog sources its electricity from facilities that meet government standards for renewable, low impact electricity, including wind and clean hydro. Your power supply is drawn from the existing infrastructure, but your money is funneled back into clean, green power. Bullfrog estimates that their power will cost you about $1 more per day, but offers conservations tips as well as the promise of a clean conscience to offset any financial hit.
Trend Themes
1. Green Energy Retailers - The popularity of eco-friendly products continues to grow, and companies that sell green energy are here to stay.
2. Sustainable Energy - As climate change becomes more of a concern, businesses are now exploring ways to utilize renewable energy sources.
3. Consumer Eco-consciousness - Consumers are increasingly aware of their carbon footprint and willing to pay extra for eco-friendly products and services.
Industry Implications
1. Renewable Energy - As the need for sustainable energy increases, renewable energy industries will continue to thrive.
2. Energy Retail - Energy retail companies will need to focus their efforts on providing clean energy solutions in order to keep up with the shift towards eco-friendliness.
3. Utility Providers - Existing utility providers will need to consider offering renewable energy options to meet the growing demand for clean energy solutions.