This Daring Man Used Technology to Set Up an Epic Ghost Prank
Gurveer Brah — July 14, 2015 — Pop Culture
References: youtube
The old white sheet with the eyes cut out prank is officially a ghost -- this epic hologram ghost prank takes it to the next level!
Bringing pranks into the future, one boyfriend went the extra mile and used a projector and an invisible screen to prepare for this hologram ghost prank. The dynamic YouTube duo of PrankvsPrank (also known for their vlog channel BFvsGF) continue their prank war and this time the boyfriend gets the upper hand. Jesse brings some fresh creativity to create an illusion that there is a ghost floating in thin air in their bedroom. Jesse uses the digital decorations created by ATMOSfx to take their prank war into the 21st century and bring horror movie scares a little closer to home.
Good luck getting to sleep after this one Jeana.
Bringing pranks into the future, one boyfriend went the extra mile and used a projector and an invisible screen to prepare for this hologram ghost prank. The dynamic YouTube duo of PrankvsPrank (also known for their vlog channel BFvsGF) continue their prank war and this time the boyfriend gets the upper hand. Jesse brings some fresh creativity to create an illusion that there is a ghost floating in thin air in their bedroom. Jesse uses the digital decorations created by ATMOSfx to take their prank war into the 21st century and bring horror movie scares a little closer to home.
Good luck getting to sleep after this one Jeana.
Trend Themes
1. Hologram Pranks - Expanding the idea of traditional pranks by incorporating holographic technology.
2. Digital Decorations - Using digitally created decorations to augment traditional holiday displays and experiences.
3. Interactive Pranks - Creating pranks that involve interactive technology to blur the lines between reality and illusion.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Studios and content creators could utilize holographic technology to create interactive and immersive experiences for virtual venues and events.
2. Holiday Decorations - Retail stores and online stores could expand their holiday decoration sales with digitally created decorations.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Developing advertising campaigns that incorporate interactive, realistic simulations and pranks to engage consumers in creative ways.