B Yoga's Silk Eye Pillow is Intended to Complement One's Savasana
For those who are not familiar with the various poses in yoga, Savasana is key to one's practice and this eye pillow by B Yoga is designed to elevate it. Often engaged in at the end of a practice, Savasana seeks to improve one's physical and emotional wellbeing by gradually relaxing one body part, muscle, and thought at a time.
B Yoga's 100% Silk Eye Pillow is marketed as the "perfect complement to any Savasana." Its design is extra-wide in order to ensure maximum coverage. It is filled with organic wheat berry and lavender, which come through as the eye pillow applies subtle pressure onto one's face.
The product retails for $34 CAD and can be used at room temperature or it can be warmed in the microwave.
Image Credit: B Yoga
B Yoga's 100% Silk Eye Pillow is marketed as the "perfect complement to any Savasana." Its design is extra-wide in order to ensure maximum coverage. It is filled with organic wheat berry and lavender, which come through as the eye pillow applies subtle pressure onto one's face.
The product retails for $34 CAD and can be used at room temperature or it can be warmed in the microwave.
Image Credit: B Yoga
Trend Themes
1. Enhanced Relaxation Tools - The rise of relaxation tools like B Yoga's Silk Eye Pillow offer opportunities for enhanced relaxation experiences.
2. Multisensory Wellness Products - Multisensory wellness products, such as the B Yoga Silk Eye Pillow, provide opportunities to combine sensory experiences for enhanced well-being.
3. Customizable Yoga Accessories - Customizable yoga accessories, like B Yoga's Silk Eye Pillow, allow for personalized experiences and individual preferences during yoga practice.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness Industry - The wellness industry can capitalize on the demand for products like B Yoga's Silk Eye Pillow to enhance relaxation techniques for customers.
2. Yoga and Meditation Industry - The yoga and meditation industry can embrace products such as B Yoga's Silk Eye Pillow to provide practitioners with elevated sensory experiences for deep relaxation.
3. Personal Care Products Industry - The personal care products industry has an opportunity to create customized and luxurious yoga accessories like B Yoga's Silk Eye Pillow for individuals seeking tailored relaxation experiences.