The 'Could You Be Dating a Rapist?' Infograph is Safety-First
Jennifer Gosnell — June 8, 2012 — Social Good
References: datingcheckmate & infographicsite
The surprising statistics presented in the 'Could You be Dating a Rapist?' infograph compounded by Checkmate Dating is a scary look at the world we live in. As part of an online dating safety campaign, the infograph takes a brutal look at the current state of rape in America. With over 6 million rapists walking the streets, 38% of which are friends or acquaintances, and a conviction rate of approximately 1.2%, the scary statistics are intense, to say the least.
With more rapists in America than the total amount of doctors, nurses, teachers and firefighters combined, the infograph points to a very dire situation. The purpose, however, isn't just to frighten you into thinking the world is a terrible place; the campaign goal is to educate young women and encourage them to take precaution, especially when it comes to online dating.
With more rapists in America than the total amount of doctors, nurses, teachers and firefighters combined, the infograph points to a very dire situation. The purpose, however, isn't just to frighten you into thinking the world is a terrible place; the campaign goal is to educate young women and encourage them to take precaution, especially when it comes to online dating.
Trend Themes
1. Online Dating Safety - The 'Could You Be Dating a Rapist?' infograph highlights the need for online dating safety measures and innovative technologies that can ensure user safety in the world of online dating.
2. Rape Awareness - The infograph emphasizes the need for increased awareness and education around rape culture in order to prevent future incidents and provide support to survivors.
3. Legal Reforms - The low conviction rate highlighted in the infograph suggests a need for reforms in the legal system that can ensure justice for survivors of rape and sexual assault.
Industry Implications
1. Online Dating - The online dating industry can develop and implement innovative safety measures like background checks, user verification, and third-party authentication to ensure user safety.
2. Education - Educational institutions can invest in programs and awareness campaigns that can educate young women and men on topics like healthy relationships, consent, and sexual assault prevention.
3. Legal - The legal industry can explore potential reforms like mandatory minimum sentences, increased funding for legal aid in sexual assault cases, and more stringent laws that protect survivors and ensure justice for all.