The Commandments Sticky Notes Bestows Pious Power
Meghan Young — September 6, 2010 — Social Good
There are a lot of different sticky note designs out there, but I don't think any of them are as powerful as these Commandments Sticky Notes. You would be able to command anything with these religious pieces of paper -- who would dare defy you?
For the minuscule price of $7, the Commandments Sticky Notes would have everyone revering you. Of course, you would probably have to adopt a pious lifestyle--but it would be worth it, don't you think?
For the minuscule price of $7, the Commandments Sticky Notes would have everyone revering you. Of course, you would probably have to adopt a pious lifestyle--but it would be worth it, don't you think?
Trend Themes
1. Religious Merchandise - Opportunities to create and market religious-themed products that appeal to various religious demographics and those who admire them.
2. Novelty Stationery - Creating unique and attention-grabbing office and stationery supplies that stand out on shelves and online platforms.
3. Merging Religion and Lifestyle - Opportunities to merge religious practices and themes into various aspects of daily life, such as work and productivity.
Industry Implications
1. Religious Merchandise Retailers - Retailers of religious merchandise, such as religious bookstores and novelty shops.
2. Stationery and Office Supplies - Manufacturers and retailers of novelty and unique stationery and office supplies.
3. Productivity Tools and Apps - Developers of productivity tools and apps that incorporate religious themes and practices.