The 'Car Parts Incubator' Will Save Lives on a Dime
Amelia Roblin — October 26, 2010 — Autos
References: blog.cooperhewitt.org & psfk
At the 2010 'Why Design Now? Solving Global Challenges Conference,' this clever 'Car Parts Incubator' was introduced by the CEO of Design that Matters, Timothy Prestero. As an economical and efficient solution to manufacturing vital health care equipment, this cradle is truly representative of innovation at its best.
Devised particularly as a means to better provision countries lacking the funding for hospital equipment, the 'Car Parts Incubator' can be assembled using automotive fans, headlamps and electrical harnesses.
Devised particularly as a means to better provision countries lacking the funding for hospital equipment, the 'Car Parts Incubator' can be assembled using automotive fans, headlamps and electrical harnesses.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling - Innovative solutions that involve upcycling of materials and repurposing of products can create cost-effective healthcare equipment.
2. Low-cost Manufacturing - The development of low-cost manufacturing techniques using readily available materials can lead to more affordable healthcare solutions.
3. Frugal Innovation - The concept of frugal innovation can inspire the creation of healthcare equipment that is affordable, sustainable, and accessible to people with limited resources.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Equipment Manufacturing - The healthcare equipment manufacturing industry can explore the use of upcycling and low-cost manufacturing techniques to develop more affordable and accessible healthcare solutions.
2. Automotive Manufacturing - The automotive manufacturing industry can identify opportunities to repurpose existing products and components for healthcare equipment manufacturing.
3. Social Entrepreneurship - The social entrepreneurship industry can leverage the principles of frugal innovation to develop socially responsible and sustainable healthcare equipment solutions for underserved populations.