Shota Uruasaki's Capture the Light Stool Depicts Shadows and Light
Amy Duong — April 12, 2024 — Art & Design
References: yankodesign
Shota Uruasaki designed the Capture the Light chair, which is inspired by nature itself. The top of the stool structure is detailed with a printed visual depicting the shadow of trees and light. In terms of the stool's structure, it has a simple build made up of three main components -- a seat and two legs to support it.
This is connected together by a small block to look like any typical wooden stool. The realistic visual of a tree casting its shadow decorates the chair's surface and immortalizes the natural look. To replicate this look, the designer went around to photograph the patterns that tree shadows make while carrying around white board before printing them over the stools.
Image Credit: Shota Uruasaki
This is connected together by a small block to look like any typical wooden stool. The realistic visual of a tree casting its shadow decorates the chair's surface and immortalizes the natural look. To replicate this look, the designer went around to photograph the patterns that tree shadows make while carrying around white board before printing them over the stools.
Image Credit: Shota Uruasaki
Trend Themes
1. Nature-inspired Furniture Designs - Opportunity lies in creating furniture pieces that seamlessly blend natural elements into their aesthetics.
2. Printed Visual Decor - Innovations in furniture design can incorporate detailed printed visuals to add a unique touch to products.
3. Replicating Natural Shadows - Exploring methods to mimic the intricate patterns of natural shadows on furniture surfaces could lead to captivating design elements.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - The furniture industry can explore ways to integrate nature-inspired designs into their product lines for enhanced appeal.
2. Printing Technology - Advancements in printing technology present opportunities for creating intricate visual decorations on furniture pieces.
3. Photography and Design - The intersection of photography and design can inspire innovative approaches to capturing and replicating natural elements in furniture aesthetics.