The Built-In Solar Hat Fan Fights Summer Heatstrokes
Meghan Young — June 13, 2012 — Unique
The Built-In Solar Hat Fan could very well become a summer staple for people who can't stand the seasonal heat waves. As its name succinctly gives away, it boasts a built-in fan that is powered by solar panels. Resting in the brim shading the wearer's face from the sun, the fan blows down cool air to ensure that he or she doesn't succumb to the hot day before them.
Developed by Thanko, the Built-In Solar Hat Fan may not be the most stylish accessory o the market, but if it prevents heatstroke, that shouldn't matter in the least. Available in four colors (red, yellow, blue and black), it is is size adjustable between 53 to 58 centimeters.
Developed by Thanko, the Built-In Solar Hat Fan may not be the most stylish accessory o the market, but if it prevents heatstroke, that shouldn't matter in the least. Available in four colors (red, yellow, blue and black), it is is size adjustable between 53 to 58 centimeters.
Trend Themes
1. Solar-powered Wearables - The rise of solar-powered wearables is disrupting the fashion and technology industry and presents opportunities for innovative wearable products to emerge.
2. Personal Cooling Devices - The trend towards personal cooling devices such as the Built-In Solar Hat Fan is creating new opportunities for companies to create innovative products that address the issue of heat stroke and discomfort during hot weather.
3. Eco-friendly Summer Accessories - The demand for eco-friendly summer accessories such as the Built-In Solar Hat Fan is disrupting the fashion industry and creating opportunities for sustainable and innovative summer products.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can incorporate solar-powered technology into their designs for sustainable and innovative clothing and accessories.
2. Technology - The technology industry can capitalize on the trend towards personal cooling devices and create new products that utilize clean energy sources.
3. Outdoor Recreation - The outdoor recreation industry can incorporate personal cooling devices such as the Built-In Solar Hat Fan into their products to enhance the consumer experience during hot weather activities.