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18 Atypical Thanko Fashion Finds

From Furry Feline Earbuds to Cooling Baseball Caps

— August 4, 2014 — Tech
If these atypical Thanko fashion finds are your first introduction to the oddball Japanese tech company then you're in for a treat. These USB-powered mittens and cooling necklaces may not be high fashion in the U.S., but in the land of the rising sun things are a bit different.

Although these atypical Thanko fashion finds look odd (to say the least) they are extremely functional. A USB-powered kitty mask is only ridiculous until you realize that it filters air pollution. Leg warmers powered by USB may not be sold at American Apparel, but you'll wish they were come winter. Wearable tech is just now becoming a big thing in the United States, but if these atypical Thanko fashion finds are any indication then there's a lot of catching up to do. Apple, where are our USB mittens?
USB Leg Warmers
USB Leg Warmers
Stay Toasty While Surfing the Net with These Creatively Designed Stockings
Finger-Shaped Touchscreen Tools
Finger-Shaped Touchscreen Tools
The Thumb Extender Stylus is a Natural Extension of the Hand
Furry Feline Earbuds
Furry Feline Earbuds
The Thanko CATBUD Cat Ear Earphones Will Transform You into Fluffy
Feline Face Covers
Feline Face Covers
Stay Pollution-Free With the Thanko USB Kitty Mask
Futuristic Motion-Detecting Mice
Futuristic Motion-Detecting Mice
The Air Gesture Mouse Swipes Like You're Living in the Future
USB-Powered Gloves
USB-Powered Gloves
USB Heated Mittens Make It Impossible to Avoid Work
Cooling Cranium Covers
Cooling Cranium Covers
The Thanko Fan Hat Keeps Your Face Fresh and Free of Sweat
Geek Mittens
Geek Mittens
Thanko USB Warm Gloves Will Keep Your Hands as Hot as Your Blog
Toasty Machinist Mitts
Toasty Machinist Mitts
USB Ninja Warming Gloves Keep Your Hands Warm While Typing
Self-Heating Footwear
Self-Heating Footwear
The Thanko USB Dinosaur Warmer Slipper is for You and Your Furry Friend
Cooling Baseball Caps
Cooling Baseball Caps
The Built-In Solar Hat Fan Fights Summer Heatstrokes
Endearing Bow Earbuds
Endearing Bow Earbuds
Be Cute and Incognito Listening with 'Thanko Ribbon' Headphones
Techy Face Masks
Techy Face Masks
Japanese USB Face Masks For Serious Germ-a-Phobes
Spy Headgear
Spy Headgear
Thanko's Multifunctional Cap Does Just About Everything
USB Kitten Mittens
USB Kitten Mittens
The Cat Paw Hand Warmer from Thanko is a Nifty Novelty
Necklace Air Conditioners
Necklace Air Conditioners
The Neck Cooling and Massager by Thanko Keeps You Comfortable
Spy Camera Clothing
Spy Camera Clothing
Thanko Button Makes You as Sexy & Skilled as James Bond
Thanko Sound Lives Magnetic Earphones