Permanent Ink Meant for a Niche Nerd Audience
References: gorillasushi
These blogging tattoos are brilliant, even if they're a bit unwise due to the speed of technology. I mean, imagine how your cutting-edge Atari tattoo from the 70's would be viewed today—and how it would be viewed ten years from now.
It's my suspicion that some of these blogttoos are a Photoshop special, but the concept in general remains strong.
Implications - The web has made quite an impact on the pop cultural world. Just about everyone has signed up on a social media website or conducts business online. The convenience of the digital age has inspired numerous artists to come up with their interpretations of how they feel about being connected through technology.
It's my suspicion that some of these blogttoos are a Photoshop special, but the concept in general remains strong.
Implications - The web has made quite an impact on the pop cultural world. Just about everyone has signed up on a social media website or conducts business online. The convenience of the digital age has inspired numerous artists to come up with their interpretations of how they feel about being connected through technology.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Tattoos - There is an opportunity for tattoo artists to tap into a market of individuals who want to immortalize their social media tags in ink.
2. Blogttoos - Online content creators have the opportunity to engage with their followers by showcasing unique custom tattoos based on the content they create.
3. Digital Age Tattoos - Tattoo artists and technology companies can collaborate in creating tattoos that incorporate digital elements, forming new ways of expression and artistic innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - The tattoo industry can harness tech-savvy individuals to create unique and unprecedented designs, taking advantage of the digital age to push boundaries for artistic expression.
2. Content Creation Industry - The content creation industry should leverage their influence and audience to take part in tattoo collaborations, creating unique designs that their fans would love to wear on their skin.
3. Technology Industry - The technology industry can play a role in enhancing the tattooing experience through the integration of digital elements in tattoos.