This Incredible Art by Irving Harper is All Made from Paper
Tia Clarke — March 27, 2013 — Art & Design
References: rizzoliusa & thisiscolossal
These incredible works of art by Irving Harper are made entirely from paper. Look closely at the intricate creations and you'll be amazed at just how detailed they are. The images are taken from a new book celebrating from Skira Rizzoli that showcases the renowned industrial designers works.
The works in this series depict creatures like dragons and owls in simple childish form. Other works have an air of grown-up sophistication, like the antlers which have been mounted on the wall. This is just one of the examples of art being made from paper that I have seen recently. From paper-made office replicas to home decor made from paper to toilet paper art, the inexpensive resource can be molded into many forms and designs quite easily.
The works in this series depict creatures like dragons and owls in simple childish form. Other works have an air of grown-up sophistication, like the antlers which have been mounted on the wall. This is just one of the examples of art being made from paper that I have seen recently. From paper-made office replicas to home decor made from paper to toilet paper art, the inexpensive resource can be molded into many forms and designs quite easily.
Trend Themes
1. Paper Art - With the rise of paper-made art and designs, innovative technologies and materials can be developed for better quality and sustainability.
2. Childish Designs - Increasing interest in simpler and playful designs opens up opportunities for more creative and affordable products in the market.
3. Repurposing Waste Materials - Utilizing waste materials like paper and cardboard for art creations leads to more environmentally-friendly practices and potential for circular economy innovations.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Home Decor Industry - The art and home decor industry can benefit from the trend by exploring new and innovative techniques for making eco-friendly and affordable products using paper as the primary material.
2. Sustainability Industry - The sustainability industry can invest in developing new technologies and materials for paper art that are more durable, biodegradable, and eco-friendly.
3. Waste Management Industry - The waste management industry can explore ways to repurpose waste paper and cardboard into profitable art and design products.