Spain's Institute for Research & Technology Debuts a New Apple Variety
References: fruitlogistica & freshfruitportal
Spain’s Institute for Research and Technology in Agri-Food (IRTA) has launched a new apple variety at Fruit Logistica 2023. The new apple is unique in nature, as it can thrive in high temperatures and adapt to “less favorable” climate conditions, allowing more of its kind to be circulated for human consumption.
The apples were created thanks to an initiative from the HCP that seeks to produce new apple varieties “more adapted to increasingly hot summers.” The new apple was created in response to the needs of Catalonia's fruit industry, which has struggled to produce pear and apple crops with healthy colors, textures, and aromas because of the region's climate.
VentureFruit will be in charge of the commercialization of the heat-resistant apples.
Image Credit: FreshFruitPortal
The apples were created thanks to an initiative from the HCP that seeks to produce new apple varieties “more adapted to increasingly hot summers.” The new apple was created in response to the needs of Catalonia's fruit industry, which has struggled to produce pear and apple crops with healthy colors, textures, and aromas because of the region's climate.
VentureFruit will be in charge of the commercialization of the heat-resistant apples.
Image Credit: FreshFruitPortal
Trend Themes
1. Heat-resistant Produce - There is an opportunity for other produce to be developed to withstand high temperatures and unfavorable climate conditions.
2. Climate-adaptive Agriculture - Technologies and breeding methods that focus on adapting crops to changing climate conditions can be further explored and developed.
3. Industry-specific Crop Development - Opportunities exist to develop specific crops for struggling industries or regions affected by adverse climate conditions.
Industry Implications
1. Fruit and Produce Industry - The industry can explore creating heat-resistant produce to withstand high temperatures and unfavorable climate conditions for wider distribution.
2. Agriculture Technology Industry - There may be opportunities for companies to create technologies and breeding methods focusing on adapting crops to changing climate conditions.
3. Regional Agricultural Industry - Industries struggling with adverse climate conditions can collaboratively develop specific crops capable of thriving in their region.