Anti-Drinking and Driving Beer Crown Ads
References: adsoftheworld
Vazir Breveries uses a witty ambient awareness technique integrated into its beer bottles to advise the person who is drinking not to drink and drive.
The idea is simple yet extremely effective. A car is printed on the top of the beer crown, inviting people to look under the crown after they open the beer to see if they won the car as a prize.
By opening the beer bottle, the crown naturally gets dented and the car looks as if it were in an accident. When you flip the crown, you see a message that says, “Don’t drink and drive.”
By connecting the message with the visual of the dented car, the campaign is pretty effective in delivering its message.
The ambient guerrilla campaign was created with art director Sanket Pathare and copywriter Parixit Bhattacharya (yeah, it must have been SO hard to come up with the “don’t drink and drive” copy).
The idea is simple yet extremely effective. A car is printed on the top of the beer crown, inviting people to look under the crown after they open the beer to see if they won the car as a prize.
By opening the beer bottle, the crown naturally gets dented and the car looks as if it were in an accident. When you flip the crown, you see a message that says, “Don’t drink and drive.”
By connecting the message with the visual of the dented car, the campaign is pretty effective in delivering its message.
The ambient guerrilla campaign was created with art director Sanket Pathare and copywriter Parixit Bhattacharya (yeah, it must have been SO hard to come up with the “don’t drink and drive” copy).
Trend Themes
1. Ambient Awareness Advertising - The use of subtle and creative advertising techniques to promote social and personal well-being while also promoting a brand or product.
2. Interactive Packaging - The use of packaging as a tool for engagement and consumer interaction to build brand awareness, loyalty, and social responsibility.
3. Cause Marketing - The integration of social and environmental causes into marketing campaigns to drive social good and enhance brand credibility and reputation.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol Industry - The alcohol industry can leverage packaging innovation and creative advertising techniques to promote responsible drinking and enhance brand value and reputation.
2. Automotive Industry - The automotive industry can collaborate with alcohol brands to promote responsible driving habits, and leverage innovative advertising techniques to enhance brand value and reach.
3. Advertising Industry - The advertising industry can create disruptive and engaging campaigns that promote social and environmental causes, while enhancing brand value and reputation.