Amber DeForest Uses Canopies for Interior Design
References: 100daywedding.blogspot & mymodernmet
Amber DeForest’s ‘100 Days to Plan a Wedding’ blog provides critical pointers for hasty big day arrangements. Described by herself on the site as “an old married woman,” DeForest promises to deliver inventive solutions with attention to tight budgets. Her parachute post falls in line with these very promises while revealing a bit about the author’s personal life.
DeForest made use of a $35 parachute for her own wedding celebration. The canopy was illuminated with small bulbs as it hung low from the ceiling, providing a majestic and most unusual lighting scheme.
This design plays up on where affordability and decor meet, and given the novelty of DeForest’s twinkling concept, it will surely begin to take hold of the online matrimony community.
DeForest made use of a $35 parachute for her own wedding celebration. The canopy was illuminated with small bulbs as it hung low from the ceiling, providing a majestic and most unusual lighting scheme.
This design plays up on where affordability and decor meet, and given the novelty of DeForest’s twinkling concept, it will surely begin to take hold of the online matrimony community.
Trend Themes
1. Affordable Wedding Decor - DeForest's parachute wedding decor offers an affordable and unique option for couples looking to decorate their wedding venues.
2. Creative Lighting Schemes - The use of illuminated parachutes as wedding decor introduces a creative and enchanting lighting scheme that can be adapted to different events and settings.
3. Inventive Wedding Solutions - DeForest's inventive use of a parachute as wedding decor sparks new ideas for resourceful and budget-conscious couples planning their weddings.
Industry Implications
1. Wedding Planning - The wedding planning industry can explore the implementation of affordable and unconventional wedding decor options like parachute canopies.
2. Event Decor - The event decor industry can incorporate unique lighting schemes using illuminated canopies, such as those made with parachutes, to create memorable and visually stunning setups.
3. Online Community Platforms - Online communities for wedding planning can feature DeForest's parachute wedding decor as a creative and budget-friendly option, inspiring and influencing couples in their wedding planning journey.