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48 Wrist-Worn Gadgets

From Techlets to Computers at Your Fingertips

— July 5, 2010 — Tech
Embrace a little everyday espionage with these hi-tech wrist-worn gadgets. Technology enthusiasts have thought up everything from keyboards worn on the wrist to watches for Alzheimer's disease.

Whether it's a super handy device that helps you navigate or just something to make you look more like James Bond, these wrist-worn gadgets are the way of the future.

Implications - As gadgets continue to grow smaller, consumers are increasingly expecting more from their personal devices in a portable package. Designers are responding to this need by creating wrist-worn technology that packs the power of a computer, mobile phone or other larger device into a tiny aesthetic. Companies can take advantage of this opportunity by creating products small enough to be worn on consumers' wrists.
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Lie Detecting Jewelery
Lie Detecting Jewelery
The Truth Wristband Knows When You're Fibbing
Waterproof Wrist-Recorders
Waterproof Wrist-Recorders
The Waterproof Flashlight DVR is for Aquatic Adventurers
Wrist-Worn Anti-Snoring Devices
Wrist-Worn Anti-Snoring Devices
The SnorePro Silences Your Wood-Sawing Slumber
Lost Phone Locators
Lost Phone Locators
The Samsung Proxima from John Loekito Helps Bring Lost Phones Home
Wearing Hearts On Wrists
Wearing Hearts On Wrists
The Leaf Bracelet Mobile Phone Runs on Solar Power, Love
High-Tech Smarthomes
High-Tech Smarthomes
Asus Presents Real Virtual Living With Waveface at CES
Screw-In Sound Systems
Screw-In Sound Systems
The Klipsch Lightspeaker Makes Install Effortless
Ear-Free Phones
Ear-Free Phones
The W Phonewatch from Kempler & Strauss Would Shame 007
Techie Super Specs
Techie Super Specs
Shades That Let You Read People Better
Hands-Free Cell Phone Gloves
Hands-Free Cell Phone Gloves
Swany g.cell Snowboard Phone
Wrist-Worn Keyboards
Wrist-Worn Keyboards
iKey's AK-39 is Wearable and Convenient
Weird Wrist Relaxers
Weird Wrist Relaxers
The Arm Carpal Massager
Wrist-Worn iPhones
Wrist-Worn iPhones
The Phubby is the Perfect iPhone Holder
Ludicrous Lasers
Ludicrous Lasers
Army Grade Spyder 2 GX Laser is a Beaming Beast
Superbeing Watches
Superbeing Watches
The wn-2 Earth Watch Lets You Play God on Your Wrist
Video-Playing Timepieces
Video-Playing Timepieces
OLED Video Watch Gives You Entertainment on the Go
Super Kiddie Tech Wear
Super Kiddie Tech Wear
'Animate' Encourages Children to Get Active Outside
Text Message Wrist Bands
Text Message Wrist Bands
The Wristlet Concept
Wrist Computers
Wrist Computers
Glacier Computers W200 Is Like a Windows-Running Bracelet
Wearable Boomboxes
Wearable Boomboxes
The Future Mobile Music Device Puts Your Heart on Your Sleeve
Designer Diving Watches
Designer Diving Watches
Nautica NMX 300 Makes Deep Sea Styles
Wrist-Worn Power Plants
Wrist-Worn Power Plants
The Universal Gadget Wrist Charger Keeps Geeks Powered Up
Wristband Blood Pressure Monitors
Wristband Blood Pressure Monitors
Display Colors Change to Red for Out-of-Range Readings
Pictogram Bangles
Pictogram Bangles
Konstantin Datz's 'Wristband for Deaf People' Translates Sound into Images
Musical Timepieces
Musical Timepieces
'Tick Tack Music Watch' by Apostol Tnokovski is a Wrist-Ready iPod
Solar-Powered Timepieces
Solar-Powered Timepieces
Cabestan Sol Invictus is the First Solar-Powered Wrist Watch
Wrist-Worn Reminders
Wrist-Worn Reminders
'Mnemonic' by Ming Kiang Tan Thwarts Forgetfulness
All-Inclusive Mobiles
All-Inclusive Mobiles
The T-Glove is Your Wallet, Cellphone, MP3 Player and More
Car-Like Phone Watches
Car-Like Phone Watches
The 'Phone for Lamborghini' Can Do Everything Except Drive
Disposable Watch Phones
Disposable Watch Phones
Wrap-Around Mobile Concept for Fuss-Free Calling
Caller ID Bracelets
Caller ID Bracelets
The Nokia Icon Keeps You in the Loop at All Times
Twitter-Ready Timepieces
Twitter-Ready Timepieces
The Tokyoflash Concept Watch Keeps Up With Twitter Trending Topics
Wrist-Worn Computers
Wrist-Worn Computers
The Zypad WR1100 is the Ultimate Functional Geek Fashion
Wrist-Worn Phones
Wrist-Worn Phones
The Cricket Mobile Phone Has a Watch & Voice Activated MP3 Player
Wrist-Worn Mobile Phones
Wrist-Worn Mobile Phones
The sWaP Watch
Watches for Alzheimer's
Watches for Alzheimer's
The Keruve 2010 GPS Wristwatch is Discrete and Reliable
Wristband Mobile Phones
Wristband Mobile Phones
'The Dial' Phone Combines Fashion and the Need to Stay Connected
Techtastic Timepieces
Techtastic Timepieces
The Zero Wrist Watch Will Make You Feel Like an Extra on Blade Runner
Couture Phone Holders
Couture Phone Holders
Karl Lagerfeld Puts Your Mobile at Hand's Reach
Wristwatch Phones
Wristwatch Phones
The 'Thrifty Watch Phone' Has Come Right on Time
Oversized Wrist Mobiles
Oversized Wrist Mobiles
LG GD910 Watch Phone is the Zack Morris Phone of 2030
Gothic Bird Cuffs
Gothic Bird Cuffs
EDM Designs Creates Eccentric Victorian & Steampunk Accessories
Wrist Pens
Wrist Pens
The Helix Watch is a Must-Have for those Who Love Writing
Wrist-Worn Chargers
Wrist-Worn Chargers
The Energy Bracelet Uses Thermoelectric Energy for Mobile Juice
Touchscreen Tech Bracelets
Touchscreen Tech Bracelets
The Nextep Computer Concept by Hiromi Kiriki
Holographic Wrist Phones
Holographic Wrist Phones
Keep an Eye on Your Social Life with the Dew Wearable Cellphone
Diabetic Wristbands
Diabetic Wristbands
Gluco(M) Tracks Sugar Levels With Electric Flow
iPod Jewelry
iPod Jewelry
The iBangle