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20 Ghostly White Art Projects

From Edgie Eerie Editorials to Ghostly Metropolis Photographs

— June 14, 2013 — Fashion
These ghostly white art creations are both stunning and eerie. Among these projects there are photography collections, editorials and spooky sketches. The complete lack of color creates interest in these pale projects.

Many of these photographs feature models who have been completely covered in white powder and therefore, look pale and ghostly. These hauntingly beautiful portraits and editorials create emphasis on the model's eyes, because everything else is a perfect shade of white.

Many of these creative art projects look eerie. There's something about foggy white art works that seem almost unnatural. Some of the sketches seen here use slight shades of black to create an interesting contrast in these white art works.

These spooky vanilla-colored art creations are as gorgeous as they are ghastly.
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Ghostly Metropolis Photographs
Ghostly Metropolis Photographs
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