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18 Wicked Warship-Inspired Innovations

From Kitschy Kicks to LEGO-Frigates

— June 12, 2012 — Art & Design
Ever since humans learned that they could use various objects to float on water, they have been looking for ways to hurt other humans using other objects to float on water -- these warship-inspired innovations are an extension of this enterprising and inventive spirit.

In the age of the sail, tall wooden ships would position themselves in such a way that their broadside faced each other. This allowed them to fire off a volley of canon-balls, sending their opponent down to Davy Jones's Locker. In the early 20th century, huge battleships bristling with high-caliber guns would bombard shores and one another with incredible force and wrath. Later on, the aircraft carrier and nuclear submarine came to rule the high-seas.

This evolution of naval power has not been lost on designers. From battleship-inspired boots to LEGO-constructed hulls, amateur admirals and swashbuckler-enthusiasts have plenty of warship-inspired innovations to choose from.

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