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56 Wall Street Depictions

From Powerful Protest Portraits to Fortune 500 Fashion

— August 25, 2012 — Tech
These Wall Street depictions explore many realms of the infamous financial district in New York City. From fashion to political protest, the financial district has had some interesting coverage surrounding its whereabouts.

The Wall Street Movement was a huge political aspect that remained relevant for well over a year and has integrated itself into not only other countries, but also the American mindset on many issues. The Wall Street movement, formed under President Obama's reign, focused on many of the controversies of both Obama, but especially his predecessor George W. Bush.

The banking district of New York, America, and (arguably) the world, has wreaked havoc on the economic situation of the United States and some of their trading partners. Wall Street encompasses many aspects of the American Dream -- money, success and competition.
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Economy-Fixing Embraces
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Social Production Initiatives
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Financial Commentary Collectibles
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Wall Street Celebtography
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