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25 VR and AR Gift Ideas

From 4K VR-Ready Laptops to Cat-Collecting VR Games

— December 15, 2018 — Tech
VR and AR technology is starting to become more commonplace in regular homes, and this list of VR and AR gift ideas showcases some of the newest advances in the technology for the consumer market.

Offering VR gamers the chance to freely walk around a virtual space, 'Cybershoes' simply strap onto players feet and offer them the ability to move their feet to traverse areas in the game. Users will need to remain somewhat seated while wearing the 'Cybershoes' but the motions of walking should still feel the same as when fully upright. To capture movement in-game, the 'Cybershoes' translate smaller movements into larger ones, ensuring gamers can still use the VR movement tools in smaller spaces.

Also featured on this list is a VR horror game that also utilizes a microphone. Known as 'Stifled', this horror title is meant to be a fully immersive experience that combines elements of the real-world into the digital space. The microphone is key to this horror title, as it draws in real-world sound and uses it as a gameplay function in the game. The use of VR further bolsters this aspect of realism as players observe the horrors in incredible detail.
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Disjointed VR Experiences
Disjointed VR Experiences
'Déraciné' is a VR Experience from a Major Game Development Studio
Enterprising VR Adapters
Enterprising VR Adapters
The New TPCast Adapter is Ideal for Industrial and Training Applications
Dynamic VR Comics
Dynamic VR Comics
Tales of Wedding Rings VR is a New Manga Experience from Square Enix
Mainstream VR Console Bundles
Mainstream VR Console Bundles
The New PlayStation VR Bundles Come Packed with Equipment and Games
External Laptop Graphics Towers
External Laptop Graphics Towers
The Blackmagic eGPU Turns the MacBook Pro into a True Powerhouse
VR Wildlife Games
VR Wildlife Games
'Virry VR: Wild Encounters' Puts Players Close to Wild Animals
Cat-Collecting VR Games
Cat-Collecting VR Games
'Neko Atsume' VR Turns Up the Cuteness of the Original in a VR Landscape
Family-Friendly VR Cameras
Family-Friendly VR Cameras
The '360Penguin' 360-Degree VR Camera Boasts a Simple Operation
VR-Mimicking Headsets
VR-Mimicking Headsets
The NS Glasses Bring Limited VR Capabilities to the Nintendo Switch
All-In-One VR Headsets
All-In-One VR Headsets
The Magicpico Virtual Reality Headset Plays 2D, 3D & Panoramic Videos
Dynamic Portable VR Headsets
Dynamic Portable VR Headsets
The GOOVIS G1 Headset Enables Immersive Experiences
Calorie-Burning VR Experiences
Calorie-Burning VR Experiences
The VirZOOM 'VZFit' System Keeps You Entertained During Workouts
Immersive VR Footwear
Immersive VR Footwear
The 'Cybershoes' Enhances VR Experiences by Letting Users Walk within Them
Haptic Feedback Gamer Vests
Haptic Feedback Gamer Vests
The Woojer ryg Haptic Vest is Accurate and Responsive
VR-Ready 4K Laptops
VR-Ready 4K Laptops
This Lenovo Laptop Offers a Blend Of Virtual and Mixed Reality Applications
Ultra-Performance Gaming PCs
Ultra-Performance Gaming PCs
The Acer Predator Orion 9000 Gaming Computer Retails for Over $7,000
Hassle-Free VR Console Controllers
Hassle-Free VR Console Controllers
The 'MoveShock' Controllers Offer an Intuitive VR Experience
VR Motorcycle Simulators
VR Motorcycle Simulators
The LeanGP Brings Realistic Two-Wheeler VR Gaming to the Home
Compact Lightweight AR Glasses
Compact Lightweight AR Glasses
The ANTVR Mix is Compatible with SteamVR
VR TV Streaming Services
VR TV Streaming Services
The Oculus TV VR Service Immerses Viewers in Their Favorite Content
Compact 360-Degree Cameras
Compact 360-Degree Cameras
The Vuze XR Brings 360-Degree Video and a Wider Audience
Immersive Eye-Tracking VR Headsets
Immersive Eye-Tracking VR Headsets
The StarVR One VR Headset is Integrated with AMOLED Displays
360-Degree VR Motion Seats
360-Degree VR Motion Seats
The 'Feel Three' Virtual Reality Motion Simulator Immerses Players
Child-Friendly AR Headsets
Child-Friendly AR Headsets
The Conceptual 'Holo Cap' Packs Advanced Technology into a Comfy Hat
Microphone-Based Horror Games
Microphone-Based Horror Games
Stifled Forces Players to Use Their Voice to Hide from a Monster