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41 Upcycled Tech Accessories

From Upcycled Notebook Docks to Fireman Gear Gadget Cases

— August 17, 2013 — Eco
Choosing to recycle materials and transform them into other useful products is a great eco-friendly method, and these creatively upcycled tech accessories are showcasing that any type of discarded item can be made into a stylishly brand new product.

With the variety of technological gadgets and accessories on the market, it can be hard to decide which one to purchase, but these upcycled tech accessories will surely catch the eye of any consumer looking for a more environmentally conscious alternative. From unique camera straps creatively made from recycled seat belts to smartphone cases made from plastic caps, these upcycled tech accessories will certainly help you feel more consciously aware of the products you are using.

A great way to infuse a more greener method into your lifestyle, these upcycled tech accessories are showcasing that recycling material can turn out to be a very beneficial procedure.
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Charitable Flash Drives
Charitable Flash Drives
'Pass It On For Good' Wipes Your Computer and Helps You Donate It
Upcycled Tire Gadget Cases
Upcycled Tire Gadget Cases
These Rubber Tire Goods Protect Gadgets and the Environment from Damage
Upcycled Fleece Tablet Cases
Upcycled Fleece Tablet Cases
This New ReFleece Felting Method Turns Jackets into Tablet Cases
Upcycled CD Computers
Upcycled CD Computers
The Fujitsu Plastic Recycling System Makes Laptops Out of Old DVDs and CDs
Upcycled Printer Stamps
Upcycled Printer Stamps
The Relife Cartridge Turns Nearly Empty Ink Cartridges into Office Tools
Executive Motherboard Timepieces
Executive Motherboard Timepieces
The Circuit Board Desk Clock is Made of Recycled Computer Parts
Recycled CD Storage
Recycled CD Storage
The Diaz Adisastomo 'Plattern' is Made from Old License Plates
Stylish Upcycled Speakers
Stylish Upcycled Speakers
Rebaroque Sound Frame Cadillac Series at the Buick 'Regal Remix'
Brake Pad Device Docks
Brake Pad Device Docks
This iDevice Cradle is made from an Aston Martin Brake Caliper
At-Home Filament Makers
At-Home Filament Makers
Filabot Recycles Old Plastic Items into 3D Printing Materials
Upcycled Victorian Music Makers
Upcycled Victorian Music Makers
The Steampunk DJ Set Will Have You Partying Like It's 1899
Upcycled Cellphone Shoes
Upcycled Cellphone Shoes
Walkie Talkies by O2 Shows What Can be Done With Old Handsets
Upcycled Stationary Sound Systems
Upcycled Stationary Sound Systems
The Pulpop MP3 Speaker is Made from Recycled Paper Pulp
Framed Upcycled Speakers
Framed Upcycled Speakers
These Rebaroque Sound Frames Function as a High-Quality Sound System
Upcycled Telephone Speakers
Upcycled Telephone Speakers
'Dreyfuss Special' by Uncle Oswald Is Our Hero Makes Use of Waste
Gas Container Amplifiers
Gas Container Amplifiers
Jerrycan Speakers Churns Out Tunes with a Quirky Twist
Upcycled Batman Flash Drives
Upcycled Batman Flash Drives
Save Computer Files on the Epic 1980s Corgi Batmobile USB
Trashy Tech Protectors
Trashy Tech Protectors
The Miniwiz Re-Case is Made Out of Rice Husks and Plastic Caps
Recycled Keyboard Androids
Recycled Keyboard Androids
Gabriel Dishaw’s C3PO Recycled Artwork Puts R2-D2 to Shame
Upcycled Cassette Storage Devices
Upcycled Cassette Storage Devices
Star Wars VHS Hard Drive Reuses Tapes for Geeky Purposes
Recycled Camera Accessories
Recycled Camera Accessories
Seat Belt Camera Straps Can Hold Up to 6000 Pounds
Recycled 8-Bit Instruments
Recycled 8-Bit Instruments
Benjamin Gaulon Transforms Nintendo Controllers Into MIDI Inputs
Egg Carton Amplifiers
Egg Carton Amplifiers
Sustainable Speakers Fill Low-Tech Shells with Hi-Tech Features
Green Desktop Speakers
Green Desktop Speakers
The 'Jack Terrier 2' Blasts Music from Recycled Material
Eco Wooden Headphones
Eco Wooden Headphones
These Ashcraft Aria Headphones Follow the Reuse, Reduce and Recycle Tune
Cable-Taming Crafts
Cable-Taming Crafts
The Naoto Yoshida WrapWrap Will Rid You of Your Messy Wire Woes
Eco Cardboard Printers
Eco Cardboard Printers
The 'Origami' Laser Printer is 100 Percent Recyclable
Recyclable Corrugated Radios
Recyclable Corrugated Radios
The Cardboard Radio is Lightweight and Great for the Outdoors
Upcycled Robot Toys
Upcycled Robot Toys
These Toby Atticus Fraley Creations Will Light Up Your World
Upcycled Notebook Docks
Upcycled Notebook Docks
This DIY Project Turns a Book into a Clever Cellphone Charging Station
Technological Trash Cans
Technological Trash Cans
The 'Techno-Pods' Garbage Bin Design Gives Updates on LED Screens
Upcycled Accessories
Upcycled Accessories
Upcycled Looptworks Laptop Sleeves Turn Trashed Neoprene into Cash
Film Roll Flash Drives
Film Roll Flash Drives
The Photojojo USB Film Roll Line Features Incognito USB Keys
Fireman Gear Gadget Cases
Fireman Gear Gadget Cases
Fire Hose iPhone Covers are a Rugged Way to Protect Your Phone
Recycled Paper Sound Systems
Recycled Paper Sound Systems
Tau Speakers are Made of Old Coated Cardboard
Upcycled Functional Robot Sculptures
Upcycled Functional Robot Sculptures
The Joseph Drust Steampunk Minions Perform Simple Tasks
Upcycled Gamer Cartridges
Upcycled Gamer Cartridges
Transformed NES Hard Drives are a Geeky Pleasure
Upcycled Desk Accessories
Upcycled Desk Accessories
The Keyboard Pencil Cup Brings Writing and Typing Together
Cork iPad Cases
Cork iPad Cases
The 'JACOedge Lumberjack' Looks Like Real Wood
Bamboo iPhone Cases
Bamboo iPhone Cases
The Incase Bamboo Slider is Eco-Friendly and Stylish
Upcycled Computer Coffee Tables
Upcycled Computer Coffee Tables
The Crunching Numbers G4 Turns Old Macintoshes into New Furniture