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33 Utopian Underwater Photoshoots

A Collection Capturing the Beauty of Submerged Photography

— May 2, 2011 — Fashion
From underwater fairytale photography to submerged dancer photography, a series of sensational utopian images are explored in this top list. It captures the most beautiful submerged photo shoots of fashion, fairytale, sports and babies.

Whether it's tourists swimming with sharks, gorgeous models in gowns completely submerged underwater in dance-like poses or submerged cute babies, each of these captures is uniquely utopian and will put you into a totally serene state. The underwater utopias mostly capture people in a totally serene state and graceful world away from strife. There is even a pig swimming in the Caribbean enjoying its own utopian scene. The technique is embraced by photographers like Zena Holloway, Rasmus Kaessmann, Elena Kalis and much more, with each using their own creative set of incredible lighting, props and colors.

The underwater utopia photography technique is a sensational idea for any photo shoot to bring fantasy, serenity and utopia to inspire others.
Models as Fish
Models as Fish
Howard Schatz Fishes for ‘Make Me a Supermodel' Contestants
Placid Underwater Images
Placid Underwater Images
The 'Submerge' Photo Series by Sean Breithaupt & Yvette Monahan
Extreme Tourism
Extreme Tourism
Swimming With Sharks
Porthole Photography
Porthole Photography
Pescador by Rengim Mutevellioglu is an Underwater Swimming Photo Series
Underwater Toddler Shots
Underwater Toddler Shots
Eythor Arnason Takes Beautiful Underwater Photographs of Young Swimmers
Floating Lake Photography
Floating Lake Photography
Ilona Olkonen Photo Shoot Captures the Best of Summer Fun
Submerged Couture Fashiontography
Submerged Couture Fashiontography
Lee Garland's Aptly-Named 'Underwater' Features Drenched Dresses
Swimming Swine
Swimming Swine
Feral Pigs Photographed Swimming in the Caribbean
Michael Muller's Photos Range from Underwater Bodies to Rubbish Simpsons
Tranquil Underwater Photography
Tranquil Underwater Photography
The 'Floating Dream' by Alan Chan is Magical
Underwater Art Galleries
Underwater Art Galleries
Sub-Aquatic Statues by Jason de Caires Taylor Amuse Divers
Underwater Geisha
Underwater Geisha
The Provocative Photography of Jason Heller
Underwater Clowntography
Underwater Clowntography
'Circus Underwater' Shoot by Michael Howard is Stunning
Submerged Dancer Photography
Submerged Dancer Photography
The Hugh Hamilton Bodies Series is Hauntingly Beautiful and Surreal
Hyper-Realistic Couple Paintings
Hyper-Realistic Couple Paintings
Eric Zener's Art Work Seems Like Photographs
Floating Dreamtography
Floating Dreamtography
'Underwater Dream' by Michael Howard Photography Dazzles
Surreal Swimtography
Surreal Swimtography
Tim Tadder's TYR Swimwear Shoot Would Make Michael Phelps Proud
Alluring Poolhouse Pictorials
Alluring Poolhouse Pictorials
Josefina Bietti Photographs Isabel Hickmann Underwater
Underwater Dancetography
Underwater Dancetography
These Mark Mawson Photos Combine Grace and Art
Stylish Sprite Shoots
Stylish Sprite Shoots
Anthropologie's Underwater Summer Catalog Photography
Submered Fashion Photography
Submered Fashion Photography
Susanne Stemmer Captures an Aquatic Fashionista
Serene Underwater Photography
Serene Underwater Photography
Shelbie Dimond Captures Youthful Serenity
Aquatic High Heels
Aquatic High Heels
Ruud Baan Has His Models Pose In Stilettos Underwater
Underwater Ocean Cities
Underwater Ocean Cities
Arup Biomimetics' Syph Prepares for a Landless Future
Mythical Underwater Art
Mythical Underwater Art
Waterbabies by Zena Holloway
Underwater Hipster Snapshots
Underwater Hipster Snapshots
The Submerged Photography of Kassia Meinholdt
Underwater Cover Shoots
Underwater Cover Shoots
Drew Barrymore Fashionably Swims For Elle
Playful Underwater Photography
Playful Underwater Photography
German Water Polo Team by Rasmus Kaessmann
Mermaid Fashiontography
Mermaid Fashiontography
Solve Sundsbo Captures Alla Kostromichova as 'The Girl From Atlantis'
Submerged Baby Photography
Submerged Baby Photography
London Baby Swim Offers Swimming Classes for Newborns
Racy Underwater Photos
Racy Underwater Photos
Valerie Morignat Photographs Some Hot Water Shots
Underwater Fashion Photography
Underwater Fashion Photography
Cruisin' With Kirsty in V Magazine
Underwater Fairytale Photography
Underwater Fairytale Photography
Little Girl Mermaid Imagery by Elena Kalis