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50 Trash Treasures

From Barack "Garbage" Obama to Tiger "Junk" Woods

— January 23, 2012 — Eco
The going green craze has inspired many artists to create recycled trash treasures from old bits of scrap. These talented bunch are able to create something superb from nothing reminding one that art can come from anywhere and be made from anything.

Many use recycled metal as their material to shape terrifying T-Rex's that looks like robots or use the metal to reconstruct man's best friend. Others use junk mail and old newspaper to form stunning mosaics. One artist built a gigantic gorilla using only coat-hangers.

To make something from nothing takes true artistic talent and wild creativity. These artists capture the spirit of thinking outside the box with their tremendous trash treasures. If you're an artist looking for some inspiration, just go check out what's in the dumpster!
Hoarders Photography
Hoarders Photography
Thomas Mailaender Captures Vehicles Filled to the Brim With Junk
Trashy Famous Faces
Trashy Famous Faces
Celebrity JunkDrawers Uses Celeb Trash to Create Portraits of Them
Recycled Refuse Mosaics
Recycled Refuse Mosaics
The Magic Garden is a Colorful Labyrinth of Eco Art
Newspaper Nest Art
Newspaper Nest Art
Sharon Beals Photographs the Assortment of Items Birds Use to Make a Home
Beer Bust Art
Beer Bust Art
'White Trash' Series by Kim Alsbrooks Brings the Forgotten History of War Times
Recycled Patriotism
Recycled Patriotism
Recycle Your Country WWF Ad Campaign from the Miami Ad School
Recycled Action Figures
Recycled Action Figures
Rupert Valero Makes Heroic Toys From Garbage
Trashy Space Art
Trashy Space Art
Star Wars Art Made of Recycled Garbage
Gooey Garbage Art
Gooey Garbage Art
Stefan Gross Encourages People to Not Waste or Take the World Seriously
Trash to Treasure Artwork
Trash to Treasure Artwork
Chrissie MacDonald Recycled Junk Mail
Recycled Sharkboards
Recycled Sharkboards
The Hammerhead Shark Skateboard Sculpture is a Real Street Shark
Recycled Auto Part Art
Recycled Auto Part Art
Hubcap Creatures
Scrap Sculptures
Scrap Sculptures
Jules P Creates Towering Animals Out of Trash
Recycled 3D Sphere Art
Recycled 3D Sphere Art
'Moons of Jupiter' by Mark Castator Transforms Trash into True Art
Trashy Wildlife Safaris
Trashy Wildlife Safaris
Kenyan Artists Use Recycled Materials to Build Sculptures of Animals
Upcycled Container Art
Upcycled Container Art
The Gestaltkunstwerk Vases Put Your Trash to Good Use
Recycled Trash Art
Recycled Trash Art
Jim Darling Creates 'Junk Man' Out of Mattresses and Tires
Recycled Portraits
Recycled Portraits
Derek Gores Finds New Use for Scrap Material
Recycled Trash Sculptures
Recycled Trash Sculptures
Eco-Art by El Anatsui
Dirty Laundry Portraits
Dirty Laundry Portraits
Jason Mecier's New 3D Celebrity ‘Trashy' Art Uses Donated Garb
Levitating Junk Art
Levitating Junk Art
Kirsten Hassenfeld Creates Breathtaking Works from Discarded Items
Upcycled Jurassic Creatures
Upcycled Jurassic Creatures
The Metal T-Rex by Andrew Chase is Horrifying
Trash Portraits
Trash Portraits
Jane Perkins Creates Beautiful Art With Garbage
Precious Junk Statuettes
Precious Junk Statuettes
Joe Pogan Creates Metal Animal Sculptures from Nails and Locks
Scrap Metal Mammals
Scrap Metal Mammals
Sayaka Ganz Turns Trash to Scrap Sculptures
Auto Rim Sculptures
Auto Rim Sculptures
Car Parts Get Upcycled into Art Pieces
Upcycled Trash Toys
Upcycled Trash Toys
Rupert Valero Makes Awesome Action Figures From Bottle Caps
Sci-Fi Brass Sculptures
Sci-Fi Brass Sculptures
Bellino Alain Recreates Darth Vader's Helmet Using Fancy Junk
Newsy Recycled Art
Newsy Recycled Art
Jen Schultes' Papier-Mache Birds & Art Bowls of Junk Mail & Old Newspaper
Portraits from Recycled Junk Mail
Portraits from Recycled Junk Mail
Schimmel Art
Literal Junkyard Dogs
Literal Junkyard Dogs
Leo Sewell Creates Amazing Art Out of Philadelphia Trash
Junk Artistry
Junk Artistry
Zac Freeman Turns Trash Into Artistic Treasures
Scrap Metal Sculptures
Scrap Metal Sculptures
These Eduard Martinet Creations Turn Junk into Fantastic Artworks
Recycled Trash Sculptures
Recycled Trash Sculptures
Steven Siegel Creates Monumental Art from Junk
Celebs Made of Garbage
Celebs Made of Garbage
A-List Mosaic Makeover Portraits Are Pretty Trashy
Eco Taxidermy
Eco Taxidermy
Geoffrey Gorman's Faux Scrap Animals Are PETA Friendly
Junkyard Eco Art
Junkyard Eco Art
Hubcap Sculptures
Computer Creatures
Computer Creatures
Recycled Sculptures by Brenda Guyton
Circuit Board Sneakers
Circuit Board Sneakers
Gabriel Dishaw Creates Metallic Footwear Masterpiece
Car Part Sculptures
Car Part Sculptures
James Corbett Creates Art from Automotive Cast Offs
Recycled Coat Hanger Sculptures
Recycled Coat Hanger Sculptures
David Mach's Wirey Art
Animal Movement Eco-Art
Animal Movement Eco-Art
Recycled Mixed-Media Sculptures That Capture Animals in Action
Upcycled Steampunk Sculptures
Upcycled Steampunk Sculptures
Gone Postal by Michael Ulman is a Fantastic Found Material Creation
Recycling Garbage into Art
Recycling Garbage into Art
From Freaky Doll Chandeliers to Garbage Chairs
Detailed Newspaper Sculptures
Detailed Newspaper Sculptures
Nick Georgiou Transforms Old Papers into Works of Art
Junkyard Animal Sculptures
Junkyard Animal Sculptures
‘Yardbirds' Are Scrappy Eco-Critters Created from Recyclabl
Trash Into Art
Trash Into Art
Amazing Beer Can Butterflies (UPDATE)
Recycled Bottle Art
Recycled Bottle Art
Miwa Koizumi's PET Jellyfish
3D Garbage Portraits
3D Garbage Portraits
Bernard Pras Makes Art from the Most Random Found Objects
Phenomenal Junk Portraits
Phenomenal Junk Portraits
Tom Deininger's Screaming Creations Make Use of Discarded Material