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19 Tools for Tracking Your Feelings

From Mood-Recording Apps to Happiness-Evaluating Apps

— July 22, 2014 — Tech
Instead of devoting time to composing a journal or blog entry each day, there are tons of devices to help with tracking your feelings on the go. Some of these tools take the form of apps, which are incredibly simple and ask you to log your emotional state on a daily basis. Other apps have you make these observations alongside other things like daily meditation practices and notes on personal relationships.

For something a little more low-tech, Brigada Creativa has some fantastic calendars for making note of your emotional state on a daily basis, including planners where you can draw various happy faces and fill in hearts to indicate how a day went. When you step back, this monthly overview is like a visual diary.
Heart Rate-Measuring Mobiles
Heart Rate-Measuring Mobiles
This iPhone Pulse Monitor Add-On Reads Your Reaction to Good Design
Personified Avatar Apps
Personified Avatar Apps
The 'Pocket Avatars' App from Intel Can Turn You into Quirky Characters
Mood-Indicating Installations
Mood-Indicating Installations
MIMMI Minneapolis Interprets Convivial Temperament with Tweets
Mood Recording Apps
Mood Recording Apps
'EmotionSense' on Nokia Phones Interprets Your Attitude
Happiness-Assessment Apps
Happiness-Assessment Apps
The Reporter App Measures Your Happiness Using Day-to-Day Data
Emotional Smartphones
Emotional Smartphones
Julius Tarng's Modai Establishes a Bond Between Itself and Its User
Emotional Outburst Apps
Emotional Outburst Apps
The Vent App Saves You from Having to Vent on Social Media
Romance Day Dotters
Romance Day Dotters
Record Your Relationships With the Life Calender Love Life
Luxury Mood Rings
Luxury Mood Rings
The Radar Mood Rings by Maayan Zilberman are Nostalgic Tokens
Emotion Evoking Apps
Emotion Evoking Apps
The Hapify App is the Happiest App Around!
Instructive Meditation Apps
Instructive Meditation Apps
Stop, Breathe and Think is a Self-Taught Meditation App
Mood-Enhancing Lamps
Mood-Enhancing Lamps
This Smart Light Concept is Designed for Mobility and Enhances Emotions
Obsessive Boyfriend Tracker Apps
Obsessive Boyfriend Tracker Apps
The Boyfriend Log App is Like a Digital Relationship Journal
Emotion Predicted Playlists
Emotion Predicted Playlists
Ghostly Discovery App Offers iPhone Users Mood-Based Music Listening
Emotional Messaging Apps
Emotional Messaging Apps
The Xpress App Uses Replaces Emojis with Your Own Expressive Selfies
Emotion-Tracking Calendars
Emotion-Tracking Calendars
The 'How was your day?' Calendar by Brigada Creativa is Simply Cute
Mood Ring Watches
Mood Ring Watches
Diesel Thermal Attraction Watches Reveal Your Heat
Color-Changing T-Shirts
Color-Changing T-Shirts
The Gap x Visionaire Collection Involves UV Sensitive Ink
Moody iPhone Wraps
Moody iPhone Wraps
Slickwraps Mood Ring Wrap Senses Your Emotions
Emotionally-Charged Phones
Emotionally-Charged Phones
The Blackberry Empathy Conveys Feelings Using a Biometric Ring