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Top 30 Christmas Gifts For Kids & Teens

— November 17, 2007 — Life-Stages
Before you say this is coming a little bit early, I'll throw out a reminder that Christmas is only 6 weeks away and the items we're featuring here are HOT; some may even already be sold out. You already know the iPod, Nintendo Wii and other equally-desired-by-adult electronics are on wish lists, but here are some of this year's otter hot toys that are sure to earn your child the "kid with the coolest parent" title at their school.

The hottest of hot for kids and tweens? Webkins. They get kids online and interested in computers in a safe, educational way. They learn to interact with others their age from around the world too, the virtual, international playground!

Remember the Tamagotchi? Believe it or not, the hand-held electronic pets are back in the form of the Tamagotchi JinSei Plus. Different from the first, these "egg babies" allow to you interact with other Tamagotchi owners as well as connect online at Tamagtochi Town where a slew of additional games can be played.

Branded gadgets aside, the ultimate Christmas gift, in my opinion, is a digital camera. Basic digicams have become so affordable, and they teach kids to view the world with open eyes and curiosity. And, unlike the cameras the $1-per-photo Polaroid I grew up with, kids can now go crazy without costing you any additional costs after camera purchase.

Other hot toys we've featured are listed below, from toddlers to teens and all age in between.
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