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30 Unconventional Ties for Him

From Superhero Bow Ties to Audio-Implanted Neck Ties

— November 27, 2012 — Fashion
It can be a brother, boyfriend, father, cousin, relative or even a teacher, but these unconventional ties for him will definitely be one of the few best ties he has ever seen.

Formal ties can get a little boring, mundane and monochromatic. While they are great for formal occasions, how often does one actually attend these events? While not all offices allow such unconventional suit accessories, there's definitely a way to sneak in that extra punch in these neck and bow ties. Whether it's a subtle iPod implant to allow covert mobile tangle-free listening, an 8-bit game-themed tie for the closet geek, gambling bow ties or even a hardcore circuit board tie for the electrically savvy males, these ties for him will surely play into any of his open or secret hobbies.
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Precious Pasta Neckties
Precious Pasta Neckties
The Farfalle Bowtie is at the Height of Good Taste
Sparkling Evening Mancessories
Sparkling Evening Mancessories
These Nerocarbino Ties Are Encrusted With Swarovski Crystals
Reclaimed Lumber Accessories
Reclaimed Lumber Accessories
Wood Thumb Manufactures Ties Made of Upcycled Timber
Provocatively Profane Mancessories
Provocatively Profane Mancessories
The GROK LEATHER Bow Tie Collection Doesn't Sugar Coat Things
Geeky 8-Bit Mancessories
Geeky 8-Bit Mancessories
Rock the Arcade Gentleman Look with the Space Invaders Silk Tie
Anatomical Bowties
Anatomical Bowties
The Skull Polka Dot Bowtie is an Edgy Neckcessory
Poptastic Neckties
Poptastic Neckties
'Bubble Wrap Ties' Make Playful Perforated Attire for Professionals
iPod Neckties
iPod Neckties
The iTie Becomes Your Extra Pocket
Political Neckties
Political Neckties
Shepard Fairey Obama Portait Tie
Networking Neckties
Networking Neckties
Dialog05 ‘Business Class' USB Tie
Predictive Pink Neckties
Predictive Pink Neckties
Economic Outlook Through Rose-Colored Accessories
Revealing Scruffy Neckties
Revealing Scruffy Neckties
Hairy Man Chest Ties are Only Suitable for the Brave
Audible Neckties
Audible Neckties
The Sonic Fabric Necktie is Made Out of Music
Brass Business Attire
Brass Business Attire
Metal Neckties are for True Iron Men
Elegant Mustache Neckties
Elegant Mustache Neckties
The Bape 2011 Spring/Summer Ties Give off Both Class and Street Cred
Reversible Bow Ties
Reversible Bow Ties
The Brooklyn Circus Goes Geeky Chic With Flannel & Velour
Bipolar Bowties
Bipolar Bowties
Reversible Bow Ties by Brooks Brothers & Social Primer
Gambling Neck Wear
Gambling Neck Wear
Mr. Talented Bow Tie Rolls the Dice & Wins
Braille Neck Ties
Braille Neck Ties
Dapper Novel Accessories
Dapper Novel Accessories
The Original Paperback Bow Tie is for the Perfect Gentleman
Political Business Attire
Political Business Attire
Barack Obama Hand Silk Screened Neckties
Molecular Neck Ties
Molecular Neck Ties
'Coffee and Cigarettes' Tie by Cyberoptix TieLab is Perfect for Chemistry Geek
Peacock Bow Ties
Peacock Bow Ties
Monsieur Jean Yves Designs Classy Couture Neckwear
Badass Reversible Bow Ties
Badass Reversible Bow Ties
Brooks Brothers Release a Line of Outrageous Reversible Bow Ties
Circuit Board Neckties
Circuit Board Neckties
Michael Phipps Brings Geek Chic in Line With the Corporate Dress Code
Hardcore Golden Neckwear
Hardcore Golden Neckwear
Cor Sine Labe Doli Releases Ceramic Bow Ties
Building Block Bow Ties
Building Block Bow Ties
Nicholas Tee Ruiz's Quirky Collection is Inspired by MoMA Exhibits
Comic Book Bowties (UPDATE)
Comic Book Bowties (UPDATE)
8BitDreams Etsy Store Features a Line of Geeky Neck Accessories
Suave Superhero Neckties
Suave Superhero Neckties
Look Sharp and Geeky with a Bow Tie by Charmaine Welch
Dressy Gamer Accessories
Dressy Gamer Accessories
The Video Game Bow Ties by Crashed Hope Designs are Geeky