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33 Pieces of Techie Jewelry

From Upcycled Keyboard Jewelry to Power Button Bling

— August 28, 2013 — Fashion
If you find yourself completely addicted to all things computer-related, then these techie jewelry designs will definitely catch your attention with all its tech-related features.

In this digital age of technology, Internet and laptop computers, people are becoming increasingly more reliant and accustomed to using these gadgets and features on an everyday basis. And these techie jewelry designs, which incorporates a wide variety of computer parts into the structure, are some fantastic examples of how retailers are utilizing technology to attract a much more youthful buyer. From necklaces that also doubles as a practical flash drive to rings and cufflinks made from upcycled circuit boards, these techie jewelry designs will definitely offer computer enthusiasts a creative way to show off their admiration for these high-tech devices.
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Computer Cursor Jewelry
Computer Cursor Jewelry
Melle Hamer's Cursor Pin Points You in the Direction of Style
Geek-Chic Formal Accessories
Geek-Chic Formal Accessories
The Beaujangles Silver Cursor Cufflinks Add a Little Computer Glamor
Plug-In Pendants
Plug-In Pendants
The Kahler MyLife USB Necklace is an Electronically Enhanced Accessory
Felted Computer Jewelry
Felted Computer Jewelry
'Felt Follows Form' Upcycles Old Computer Parts into Fuzzy Rings
Upcycled Writer Accessories
Upcycled Writer Accessories
These Vintage Typewriter Rings by TheApple are Chic
Computer Code Bracelets
Computer Code Bracelets
The Binary Code Bracelet Lets Your Computer Say What Your Heart Can't
Techtastic Earrings
Techtastic Earrings
Computer Chip Earrings Any Nerdette Would Want
Geeky Finger Accessories
Geeky Finger Accessories
The Power Button Ring Shows Your Devotion to Your Computer
Luxurious Blocked Apparel
Luxurious Blocked Apparel
Emiko Oyo Specializes in Fashioning Bracelets and Earpieces out of LEGO
Customizable 3D-Printed Necklaces
Customizable 3D-Printed Necklaces
These Stylish Name Pendants Were Created Using 3D Printing
Geeky Displays of Affection
Geeky Displays of Affection
The ASCII Heart Necklace is True Geektasticness
GPS Convergence
GPS Convergence
The GPS Map Shot Bracelet, Camera and Post Card
Circuit Board Hair Accessories
Circuit Board Hair Accessories
Circuit Board Hair Pins Keep Your Tron Doo in Place
Animated Radiant Rings
Animated Radiant Rings
The Happy Adjustable Will Put a Smile on Your Face
Romantic Techie Necklaces
Romantic Techie Necklaces
Design Glut's Circuit Board Pendants are Fashionably Geek
Computer Chip Statement Pieces
Computer Chip Statement Pieces
The 2 Roses Studio Creates Stylishly Accented Jewelery
Techie Logo Necklaces
Techie Logo Necklaces
The iNecklace is Inspired by the Apple Computers' Power On/Off Logo
Necklaces for Apple Nerds
Necklaces for Apple Nerds
Ctrl-Z Necklace by Plastique is for the Days You Just Want to Hit 'Undo'
Circuit Board Jewelry
Circuit Board Jewelry
Sachiko Ishida's Recycled Electrical Components are Bound to Spark Interest
Circuit Board Accessories
Circuit Board Accessories
The Heart Spark Flashes to the Beat of the Wearer's Heart
Internet-Inspired Customized Jewelry
Internet-Inspired Customized Jewelry
The Bajca Emoticon Keyboard
Power Button Bling
Power Button Bling
The iNecklace by Adafruit Makes Computer Tech an Accessory
Computer Chip Rings
Computer Chip Rings
Atari Men's Ring By Sakurako Shimizu Is Geeky But Glam
Communicative Jewelry
Communicative Jewelry
The Chic and Elegant Dial Wristwatch Phone
Upcycled Keyboard Jewelry
Upcycled Keyboard Jewelry
The R U My Typ3? Necklace is a Wearable CPU Accessory
Security in a Ring
Security in a Ring
Apple-Branded Accessories
Apple-Branded Accessories
Computer Key Jewelry by Creative Dexterity is Stylishly Nerdy
Old Tech As Jewelry
Old Tech As Jewelry
Vacuum Pendants and Computer Chip Piercings from Wildcat
Keyboard Rings
Keyboard Rings
Geektastic Jewelry for PC Lovers
Elegant Hard Drive Necklaces
Elegant Hard Drive Necklaces
The Swarovski USB Necklaces Are Electronically-Minded
Tech-Savvy Trinkets
Tech-Savvy Trinkets
Techcycled Jewelry is Fashionable and Eco-Friendly
Pixelated Paper Accessories
Pixelated Paper Accessories
The Karen Barbé Jewelry is Inspired by Mike and Maaike's Designs
Intricate E-Waste Embellishments
Intricate E-Waste Embellishments
The Computer Couture Circuit Accessories of GeekeryJewelry