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52 Tantalizing Teddy Bears

From Aromatherapy Plushies to $85,000 Stuffed Animals

— November 30, 2011 — Life-Stages
A toy can be much more than an object that keeps a child entertained. Today, stuffed animals are getting makeovers which transform them into rugs, sofas or objects used for aromatherapy, as you will see with these tantalizing teddy bears.

As a child, I always wanted a stuffed animal that was as big as a grown adult. Well, they make those, and have been for some time now. However, when I was just a wee lad, I never dreamed of a plush teddy bear that would cost $85,000. How does that even happen? Are they made with diamond-infused fabrics? Regardless, tantalizing teddy bears are more than just a child’s toy. Home furnishing companies have turned the cute bears into rugs, lamps and sofas, making your home both cozy and cuddly.

As teddy bears become less for children and more for the “child at heart,” the stuffed animals may one day end up on your living room floor, right in front of the fireplace, replacing that taxidermic Polar Bear rug you got back in ‘88.
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