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20 Survivalist Fashion Examples

From Air Filtration Couture to Masked Vigilante Streetwear

— March 6, 2015 — Fashion
These survivalist fashion examples range from vigilante streetwear collections to air filtration accessories that are paired with an wardrobe of athletic gear. In the past few years, rebellious and sporty apparel has been adapted by luxury brands who were more known for being traditional rather than daring.

From Givenchy's youthful evolution to KTZ's fearless vision, established and rookie labels have both pushed style boundaries while celebrating a dark and edgy aesthetic. Gas mask accessories, camouflaged textiles and nomadic silhouettes are all examples of survivalist fashion that has ruled the runway recently.

Whether drawing inspiration from athletic, hiking or hunting gear or paying homage to alternative youth subcultures like ravers and Goths, survivalist fashion knows no bounds and will continue to push aesthetic limits.

Edgy Hiker Attire
Edgy Hiker Attire
The Alexander Wang Spring/Summer 2015 Collection is Wilderness-Themed
Apathetic Apocalyptic Lookbooks
Apathetic Apocalyptic Lookbooks
The ASSK Fall/Winter Lookbook is Dying to Survive
Ambiguously Masked Runways
Ambiguously Masked Runways
The Angelos Frentzos Fall/Winter 2014 Collection Disguises Models
Quilted Camouflage Outerwear
Quilted Camouflage Outerwear
The James Hock Autumn/Winter 2013/2014 Collection is Bundled Up
Gloomy Gas Mask Editorials
Gloomy Gas Mask Editorials
The Leon Emanuel Blanck Lookbook Looms Eerie Imagery
Extreme Apocalyptic Outerwear
Extreme Apocalyptic Outerwear
The On the Edge Jacket Integrates Several Survival Apparatuses
Masked Combative Couture
Masked Combative Couture
The Aitor Throup Autumn/Winter 2013/2014 Collection is Armor Inspired
Urban Nomad Runways
Urban Nomad Runways
The Maharishi Spring/Summer 2015 Collection is Effortlessly Cool
Apocalyptic Couple Catalogs
Apocalyptic Couple Catalogs
The [GG$] x Sus Boy Capsule Collection is Inspired by Chaos
Disguised Utilitarianism Catalogs
Disguised Utilitarianism Catalogs
The CIVILIZED Fall/Winter 2014 Lookbook Evokes a Dark Theme
Experimental Upcycled Fashion
Experimental Upcycled Fashion
Grace Kubilius' Recycled Material Clothing is Made to Break Down
Apocalyptic Ski-Mask Apparel
Apocalyptic Ski-Mask Apparel
The Asger Juel Larsen Fall/Winter Collection is
Masked Vigilante Street Wear
Masked Vigilante Street Wear
The N. Hoolywood Spring/Summer 2013 Boasts Rebellious Style
Air Filtration Fashion
Air Filtration Fashion
Qiadan Yin Peng's Runway Collection Showcases Face Mask Designs
Militant Apocalypse Menswear
Militant Apocalypse Menswear
The Byungmun Seo Fall/Winter 2013 Collection is Army Inspired
Eccentric Apocalypse Attire
Eccentric Apocalypse Attire
The Guiseppe by Antonio Guzzardo Image Series is Seapunk-Chic
Avant-Garde Apocalypse Attire
Avant-Garde Apocalypse Attire
The Claudia Danna Fall/Winter 2013/2014 Collection is Sculptural
Post-Apocalyptic Leather Ensembles
Post-Apocalyptic Leather Ensembles
Look Great in the Despondent Future with This Demobaza Line