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68 Superhero Halloween Costume Looks

These Outfits Will Give You More Energy Than Any Candy Bar

— October 15, 2013 — Fashion
These superhero Halloween costume looks will give you the super powers you need to rise to new heights this Halloween. Most people have a superhero that they get told they look like or resonate with the most. Why not dress up as your favorite hero this Halloween season and take your costume to the next level?

These costumes include Batman contact lenses and Wonder Woman manicures. It is not just about the Halloween outfits, but the accessories as well. If you have the perfect shoes, contacts, nails, hairstyle and ensemble, nobody will be asking you the dreaded question: “What are you supposed to be?”

Some of these costumes you can recreate yourself but there are other costumes that you can purchase online if you are feeling a little lazy. Although, remember that this Halloween if you choose to recreate one of these superhero Halloween costume looks, you are stepping into big shoes and need to rise up to the challenge.
Protagonistic Mutant Cosplay Outfits
Protagonistic Mutant Cosplay Outfits
Dress Like Kitty Pryde Shadowcat This Halloween
Star Contact Lenses
Star Contact Lenses
People Can Channel Their Inner Fantasy Character with These Lenses
Webbed Protective Headgear
Webbed Protective Headgear
Feel Like a Superhero While Riding Around Town in the Spidermam Helmet
Superhero Costume Bags
Superhero Costume Bags
The Hooded Batman Backpack is Both Nerdy and Protective
Frilly Superhero Tutus
Frilly Superhero Tutus
These Superhero Tutus are Perfect for Both Little and Big Superwomen
Custom Superhero Blankets
Custom Superhero Blankets
These Superman Snuggies are Sure to Keep You Super Warm and Comfortble
Motion Sensor Superhero Shirts
Motion Sensor Superhero Shirts
The Tingling Spidey Sense Shirt Warns You of Approaching Assailants
Comic Heroine Baby Suits
Comic Heroine Baby Suits
This DC Superhero Costume will Make Your Toddler a Crime Fighting Marvel
Superhero-Inspired Bathrobes
Superhero-Inspired Bathrobes
The Batgirl Bathrobe from ThinkGeek Channels Your Inner Superhero
Feline-Faced Costumes
Feline-Faced Costumes
This Halloween Cat Dress Will Transform You From Human To Kitten
Athletic Superhero Gloves
Athletic Superhero Gloves
These Under Armour Gloves Inject Hero Power into Athletes
Lazy Catwoman Costumes
Lazy Catwoman Costumes
This Snuggie-Inspired Heroic Blanket Makes an Effortless Halloween Costume
Web-Slinging Housecoats
Web-Slinging Housecoats
Any Superhero Fan is Sure to Enjoy the Marvel Comics Bathrobes
Caped Crusader Robes
Caped Crusader Robes
The 'Batman Hooded Bath Robe' Will Make You Feel Like the Dark Night
Powerful Superhero Pumps
Powerful Superhero Pumps
These Iron Man Shoes are for the Fearless Woman
Nostalgic Action Figure Apparel
Nostalgic Action Figure Apparel
Dress Up in a Power Ranger Tunic Tank to Become Your Favorite Hero
Sleek Superhero Leggings
Sleek Superhero Leggings
The Latest ROMWE Leggings are Perfect for Super Stylish Iron Man Fans
Undead Superhero Costumes
Undead Superhero Costumes
The Zombie Iron Man Steals the Show at the Paris Zombie Walk
Fan-Made Comic Costumes
Fan-Made Comic Costumes
The Amazing DIY Iron Man Mark V Briefcase Suit is Brought to Life
Real-Life Superhero T-Shirts
Real-Life Superhero T-Shirts
University of South Carolina Creates Wearable Body Armor
Girly Superhero Baby Garments
Girly Superhero Baby Garments
The Wonder Woman Onesie Will Steal All the Attention
Electrifying Footwear Accessories
Electrifying Footwear Accessories
The Red Lightning Bolt Shwings Personalize Shoes
Super Couture
Super Couture
Wonder Woman Inspires Diane von Furstenberg
Hot Celebrity Superheroes
Hot Celebrity Superheroes
The Lindsay Lohan Complex Magazine Spread is Powerfully Sensual
Superhero T-Shirt Sets
Superhero T-Shirt Sets
The Spider-Man and Wolverine Costumes are for Everyday Wear
Glam Superhero Manicures
Glam Superhero Manicures
These Wonderwoman DIY Nails Are Just in Time For the Fourth Of July
DIY Superhero Jumpers
DIY Superhero Jumpers
The Retro Wonder Woman Sweater Requires Knitting Skills
Seductive Heroine Undergarments
Seductive Heroine Undergarments
The Batgirl Corset is a Sultry Halloween Superhero Costume
Undead Hero Costume
Undead Hero Costume
The Batman Zombie Mask is a Super Freaky Halloween Mask
Cozy Superhero Outfits
Cozy Superhero Outfits
The Wonder Woman Throw Blanket is Cuddly and Fun
Illuminating Superhero Shirts
Illuminating Superhero Shirts
ThinkGeek's Ironman Tee-Shirt Will Light Up Your Hero Status
Flirty Caped Crusader Dresses
Flirty Caped Crusader Dresses
This Handmade Batman Top from Etsy Features the Classic Hero Colors
Undead Superhero Cosplays
Undead Superhero Cosplays
Zombie Emma Frost Mixes Sultry With Ghoulish Looks
Superhero-Inspired Sweatshirts
Superhero-Inspired Sweatshirts
The 'Wonder Woman Knit Sweater' is a Nostalgia-Filled DIY
Superhero Rodent Outfits
Superhero Rodent Outfits
Grab Your Furry Friend a Superman Hamster Cape for Halloween
Girly Vigilante Frocks
Girly Vigilante Frocks
The Hot Topics Outfits are Easy and Fun for Halloween
Heroic Feline Attire
Heroic Feline Attire
This Superhero Cat Costume is Adorably Inspired by Marvel's Thor
Environmental Superheroes
Environmental Superheroes
Captain Ozone To Save the Day!
Sleek Superhero Belt Buckles
Sleek Superhero Belt Buckles
These Iron Man Accessories Add Flair and Spunk to Your Outfits
Caped Superhero Sleepwear
Caped Superhero Sleepwear
The Superman and Batman Pajamas are Excitingly Playful
Personalized Superhero Costumes
Personalized Superhero Costumes
Super You Helps Kids Officially Become Superhuman
Blacked-Out Superhero Sweatshirts
Blacked-Out Superhero Sweatshirts
The Iron Man 3 Armor Hoodie is for Hardcore Tony Stark Fans
Glitzy Superhero Lingerie
Glitzy Superhero Lingerie
This Superman-Inspired Bra Pays Tribute to the Iconic Man of Steel
Edible Superhero Costumes
Edible Superhero Costumes
NY Chocolate Fashion Show
Modern Superhero Makeovers
Modern Superhero Makeovers
See Adrianne Palicki in the New Wonder Woman Costume
Sensual Superhero Swimsuits
Sensual Superhero Swimsuits
These Superhero Bathing Suits from SciFeyeCandy are Adorably Powerful
Fingerless Superhero Gloves
Fingerless Superhero Gloves
Tinybully Art and Gems Sells Spectacular Comic Book-Inspired Knitwear
Neon-Printed Postmodern Fashion
Neon-Printed Postmodern Fashion
The Antidote Street Style Issue Stars ColorfulPostmodern Styles
Nerdy Heroic Fashions
Nerdy Heroic Fashions
Channel Your Inner Geek With the Marvel Superhero Hoodies
Gender-Switched Superheroes
Gender-Switched Superheroes
The Gender Bent Justice League Fights Stereotypes
Acrobatic Arachnid Hero Tights
Acrobatic Arachnid Hero Tights
These Spider-Man Pattern Leggings Help Women Be Geek Chic
Skintight Superhero Ensembles
Skintight Superhero Ensembles
These Marvel Pajama Sets Will Definitely Keep You Up at Night
Stylish Superhero Fashion
Stylish Superhero Fashion
The Sylvio Giardina AW11 Collection Seems Made for the Future
Sleek Superhero Chronometers
Sleek Superhero Chronometers
The Shield Watch Copies the Iconic Costume of Captain America
Wacky Whimsical Fashion
Wacky Whimsical Fashion
The Manish Arora Spring/Summer 2011 Collection is Out of This World
Superheroic Prom Dress Designs
Superheroic Prom Dress Designs
Tumblr User Robinade Renders Stylish Comic-Inspired Gown Ideas
Striking Superhero Hoodies
Striking Superhero Hoodies
This Geeky Sweatshirt is Perfect for the Iron Man 3 Release
Medieval Superhero Costumes
Medieval Superhero Costumes
These Medieval Batman and Aquaman Costumes Even Make Aquaman Seem Cool
Couture Superheroes
Couture Superheroes
Kevin Sinclair Reinvents Fierce Femmes With Marvel Girl Editorial in Vestal
Heroic Female Swimsuits
Heroic Female Swimsuits
This Wonder Woman Bathing Suit Design is Strong and Sexy
Cosplay-Inspired Contacts
Cosplay-Inspired Contacts
Finish Off Your Costume with Movie and Anime Halloween Contact Lenses
Vigilante-Inspired Heels
Vigilante-Inspired Heels
Embrace Ferocity With These Bedazzled Batman Pumps
Real Life Justice Leagues
Real Life Justice Leagues
World's Largest Superhero Gathering Sets New Guinness Record
DIY Superhero Masks
DIY Superhero Masks
These Printable Avengers Masks are Cute and Cost-Efficient
Avengers-Inspired Wardrobes
Avengers-Inspired Wardrobes
The Cartoon Closets: The Avengers Collection Is Battle Chic
Chic Comic Book Lingerie
Chic Comic Book Lingerie
The Marvel Avengers Undergarment Set is Ideal for Nerdy Female Fans
Fur-Clad Superheroes
Fur-Clad Superheroes
Naomi Campbell as Naughty Catwoman in Vogue Russia
Superheroic Eye Shadows
Superheroic Eye Shadows
Makeup Artist Jangsara Celebrates The Avengers with Alluring Looks
Heroic Adult Onesies
Heroic Adult Onesies
This Official Superman Superhero Onesie Fights Evil and Discomfort