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95 Tools to Streamline Your Morning Routine

From Hands-Free Hair Dryers to Mobile Coffee Brewers

— September 4, 2015 — Art & Design
These high-tech devices help you streamline your morning routine. Whether you are a morning person or not, getting ready for the day can often be a chaotic process. These clever devices help you simplify your morning rituals and get you out the door on time.

In order to streamline your morning routine, you have to start the day off on the right foot. Rather than waking up groggy and tired, there are a number of devices that help you rise from a deep slumber in a peaceful way. Some of these innovative alarms include sunrise-simulating clocks, nature-imitating alerts and sleep enhancing machines.

Beyond simply waking up on time, most people's mornings involve a number of other important tasks. To make mornings run as smoothly as possible, there are devices designed to simplify everything from showering to making a cup of coffee. For example, there are interactive bathroom mirrors that allow you to check the weather while brushing your teeth. There are also multitasking kettle toasters that allow you to prepare your coffee and breakfast at the same time.
Bubble-Display Alarm Clocks
Bubble-Display Alarm Clocks
The Ferrolic Alarm Clock Forms Time Through Moving Bubbles
AI Alarm Clocks
AI Alarm Clocks
'Miranda' by Wakes Users up by Reading the News
Bacon Alarm Clocks
Bacon Alarm Clocks
Wake Up with the Scent of Fresh Bacon Every Day
Whimsical Wobbling Alarm Clocks
Whimsical Wobbling Alarm Clocks
The 'wobL' Cradle Can Wake You Up Pleasantly
Cell Phone Lockboxes
Cell Phone Lockboxes
The Phone Cell Hides Phones Away for a Better Night's Sleep
Oscillating Hair Straighteners
Oscillating Hair Straighteners
The Vibrastrait Oscillating Flat Iron is Easy on Your Hair
Gigantic Personal Dryers
Gigantic Personal Dryers
The Tornado Body Dryer Makes the Use of Towels Obsolete
Electrifying Nostalgic Alarm Clocks
Electrifying Nostalgic Alarm Clocks
The ‘Blub’ is a Retro Influenced Alarm Clock
Temperature-Reading Tub Spouts
Temperature-Reading Tub Spouts
The 4moms Tub Spout Tells You Exactly How Hot the Bath Water Is
Ear-Shattering Alarm Clocks
Ear-Shattering Alarm Clocks
The Screaming Meanie Will Wake You Up No Matter What
Hollistic Health Showerheads
Hollistic Health Showerheads
The Vitamin C and Negative Ions Showerhead Offers a Spa Experience
Educational Gaming Toothbrushes
Educational Gaming Toothbrushes
Grush is a Smart Cleaner that Teaches Children How to Brush Teeth
Wooden Hair Dryers
Wooden Hair Dryers
The ‘wAir’ Blow Dryer Allows Users to Dry Hair with a Pleasant Forest Scent
Communication-Encouraging Alarm Clocks
Communication-Encouraging Alarm Clocks
The Clockee Talkee Pulls Double Duty as a Walkie-Talkie
Sleep-Enhancing Smartphone Clocks
Sleep-Enhancing Smartphone Clocks
Get Your Full Night's Rest with the Hale Dreamer Alarm Dock
Convertible Coffee Pod Makers
Convertible Coffee Pod Makers
The K-Pod Coffee Converter Allows You to Brew K-Cups
Sleep Enhancing Machines
Sleep Enhancing Machines
The DreamScience Machine Will Lull You Into a More Satisfying Sleep
Calming Serenity Pods
Calming Serenity Pods
This Light Therapy Device Helps Users Achieve a Relaxed State of Mind
App-Enabled Mirrors
App-Enabled Mirrors
The iMirror Lets You Do Your Makeup While Checking Emails
Wi-Fi Coffee Machines
Wi-Fi Coffee Machines
The Bruvelo Smart Coffee Brewer is Like an At-Home Barista
Electric Coaching Toothbrushes
Electric Coaching Toothbrushes
The Sonicare Kids Toothbrush Teaches Children How to Properly Brush
Instant Photo Alarm Clocks
Instant Photo Alarm Clocks
This Creative Alarm Clock Uses Snapchat to Wake You Up
Scent-Based Alarm Clocks
Scent-Based Alarm Clocks
SensorWake is the First Alarm Clock to Substitute Sound for Smell
Connected Wakeup Calls
Connected Wakeup Calls
This Smart Alarm Clock Tracks Your Sleep and Supports a Better Rest
Fragrant Meal Clocks
Fragrant Meal Clocks
Ode Emits Food Smells to Remind Dementia Patients It's Time to Eat
Dentist-Alerting Toothbrushes
Dentist-Alerting Toothbrushes
This Oral-B Smart Tooth Updates the Dentist on Your Progress
Smart Dental Devices
Smart Dental Devices
The Quip Toothbrush System Ships You Fresh Supplies Every 3 Months
Foldable Portable Hair Dryers
Foldable Portable Hair Dryers
Bring the Salon to Your Room with the Foldable Portable Hair Dryer
Portable French Press Pouches
Portable French Press Pouches
This One-Bag Disposable Coffee Maker Combines Filter and Press
Advanced Electric Toothbrushes
Advanced Electric Toothbrushes
Philips' DiamondClean Touts Five Different Cleaning Modes
Battery-Infused Mugs
Battery-Infused Mugs
The EFFIC Mug Can Hold and Charge Your Smartphone Anywhere You Go
Ingenious Smart Plugs
Ingenious Smart Plugs
The 3P Smart Plug lets You Monitor Appliances From Anywhere in the World
Handsfree Hairdryers
Handsfree Hairdryers
The Claista Tools Hands-Free Home Salon Blow Dryer Makes Getting Ready Easy
Sleep-Monitoring Alarm Clocks
Sleep-Monitoring Alarm Clocks
The Sense Smart Tracker Takes into Account Your Sleeping Environment
Multifunctional Bedside Gadgets
Multifunctional Bedside Gadgets
This Multifunctional Alarm Clock Does More Than Just Tell Time
Nightlight Smartphone Sleeves
Nightlight Smartphone Sleeves
The Mod iPhone Case Brightens Up Your Bedroom After Dark
Anti-Fogging Shower Mirrors
Anti-Fogging Shower Mirrors
The Fogless Mirror is Perfect for Shaving in the Shower
Complexion-Focused Tools
Complexion-Focused Tools
Clarisonic's Sonic Radiance Brightening Solution Improves Skin Instantly
High-Tech Grooming Tools
High-Tech Grooming Tools
The Conair Infiniti Pro Dries Your hair in Half the Time
Interdimensional Toothbrushes
Interdimensional Toothbrushes
The Sonic Screwdriver Toothbrush Fights Cavities AND Daleks
Travel Coffee Makers
Travel Coffee Makers
The Glacier Stainless JavaPress Makes Great Coffee On-the-go
Hands-Free Hair Dryers
Hands-Free Hair Dryers
The Hands-Free Home Salon Blow Dryer Makes Your Life Easier
Aromatherapy Shower Kits
Aromatherapy Shower Kits
The Essio Aromatherapy Shower Kit Makes Showers More Enjoyable
Waterproof Handset Pockets
Waterproof Handset Pockets
The HOYO is a Clear Smartphone Pocket that is Waterproof
Earbud Alarm Clocks
Earbud Alarm Clocks
Earlarm Wakes You Up Instead of Waking Up the Person Sleeping Next to You
Cereal-Separating Bowls
Cereal-Separating Bowls
This Cereal Bowl Means You'll Never Have to Eat Soggy Cereal Again
Electrical Bamboo Appliances
Electrical Bamboo Appliances
These Electrical Devices are Made with a Sustainable Bamboo Material
App-Controlled Power Toothbrushes
App-Controlled Power Toothbrushes
The Kalibree is Causing a Stir At CES 2014
Customized Intelligent Alarm Clocks
Customized Intelligent Alarm Clocks
The SONDI is a Custom Alarm Clock That is App-Controlled
Machineless Coffee Brewers
Machineless Coffee Brewers
'Little Dripper' is an Eco-Friendly Pour-Over Coffee Brewer
Personal Chef Robots
Personal Chef Robots
This Kitchen Gadget Will Cook Up Your Favorite Meals in a Snap
Open-Source Toothbrushes
Open-Source Toothbrushes
The Goodwell Toothbrush is Designed to Last
Timed Teeth Cleaners
Timed Teeth Cleaners
The Perfect 03:00 Portable Toothbrush Encourages Thoroughness
Sunrise-Simulating Alarm Clocks
Sunrise-Simulating Alarm Clocks
The Philips Wake-Up Light Uses Light & Sound to Gently Wake You Up
Sun-Simulating Alarm Clocks
Sun-Simulating Alarm Clocks
The Philips HF3520 Wake-Up Light Rouses You From Sleep Naturally
Multitasking Smart Lighting
Multitasking Smart Lighting
The Luzi Sleep Lamp Helps You Sleep Better and Charges Your Devices
Touchscreen Shower Nozzles
Touchscreen Shower Nozzles
The Evok Shower Head Makes Saving Water and Controlling the Temp Easy
Double Duty Coffee Brewers
Double Duty Coffee Brewers
This Simplistic Mobile Coffee Maker Also Acts as a Reusable Mug
Mobile Coffee Brewers
Mobile Coffee Brewers
The 'MoJoe' is a Convenient Travel Mug That Brews Coffee on the Go
Wi-Fi Coffee Machines
Wi-Fi Coffee Machines
Smarter's Wi-Fi Connected Coffee Maker Brews According to Your Sleep
Beverage Brewing Clocks
Beverage Brewing Clocks
The Barisieur Alarm Clock Design Makes a Cup of Coffee to Wake You Up
Horn-Like Hands-Free Dryers
Horn-Like Hands-Free Dryers
The Yuca Hair Dryer Provides You with a Multi-Tasking Advantage
Cylindrical Hair Stylers
Cylindrical Hair Stylers
The Column Hairdryer Has Been Designed for Improved Space Saving
Connected Toothbrushes
Connected Toothbrushes
G.U.M. Play Makes Keeping Track of Your Oral Health Quick and Efficient
Multitasking Coffee Mugs
Multitasking Coffee Mugs
The Cafflano Coffee Mug Can Grind, Brew and Store Your Morning Java
Self-Sharpening Razors
Self-Sharpening Razors
This Innovative & Safe Razor Blade is Capable of Self-Sharpening/Cleaning
Clap-Activated Alarm Clocks
Clap-Activated Alarm Clocks
The Kikkerland Wooden Alarm Clock Turns on with a Clap
Humidifying Toaster Ovens
Humidifying Toaster Ovens
The New Appliance from 'Balmuda' Helps to Keep Toast Soft and Fluffy
Multitasking Waffle Makers
Multitasking Waffle Makers
The Hamilton Beach Breakfast Skillet Makes Breakfast Easier and Simpler
Spiraling Hair-Dryers
Spiraling Hair-Dryers
The Air Curler Gives You the Style You Want Without the Damage
Individual Coffee Brewers
Individual Coffee Brewers
The Gourmet Coffee is a Brewerm French Press and Espresso Machine in One
Nanotech Toothbrushes
Nanotech Toothbrushes
The New Misoka Toothbrush Uses Ions to Clean Teeth Instead of Toothpaste
Masculine Skincare Devices
Masculine Skincare Devices
FOREO's Luna System is Re-Designed for a Male Demographic
Yin-Yang Blow-Dryers
Yin-Yang Blow-Dryers
The Vacuum Dryer Ejects and Intakes Air to Fulfill Two Tasks
Amusing Gaming Toothbrushes
Amusing Gaming Toothbrushes
The 'Grush' Kids' Toothbrush Turns Brushing into a Video Game
Bedroom Robotic Technology
Bedroom Robotic Technology
Wake by Lucera Labs Gets People Out of Slumbers Gently and Healthily
Ambient Lighting Alarms
Ambient Lighting Alarms
The JBL Horizon Gentle Alarm Clock Uses Soft Light to Wake You Up
Personalized Electric Toothbrushes
Personalized Electric Toothbrushes
The 'T.brush' is a Slim and Lightweight Electric Toothbrush
In-Shower Shaving Bars
In-Shower Shaving Bars
Dave's Shower Shave Bar Helps Guys Shave in the Shower
Phone Charger Clocks
Phone Charger Clocks
This Modern Alarm Clock Design Features a Built-In USB Port for Charging
Multitasking Kettle Toasters
Multitasking Kettle Toasters
The Baking Pot Functions as Both a Coffee Pot and a Toaster
Defogging Washroom Faucets
Defogging Washroom Faucets
The Wind Rain Fire Shower Sucks Up Vapor for a Fresh Bathing Experience
Nature-Imitating Alerts
Nature-Imitating Alerts
The Revive Alarm Clock Mimics Nature's Changes to Gently Wake You
Perfect Shaving Templates
Perfect Shaving Templates
The GoateeSaver is the First Ever Goatee Shaving Template
Dynamic Coffee Machines
Dynamic Coffee Machines
'La Fenice' Makes Both Traditional Italian Espresso and American Coffee
Bath-Transforming Jets
Bath-Transforming Jets
The Dual Jet Bath Spa Transforms Your Bathtub Into a Spa-Like Hot Tub
Multi-Functional Sink Hybrids
Multi-Functional Sink Hybrids
This Sink-Shower Hybrid Will Save a Lot of Space in Small Bathrooms
Illuminated Bedside Tables
Illuminated Bedside Tables
Light Up Your Room with This Illuminated Table by Proma
Foot-Friendly Alarm Clocks
Foot-Friendly Alarm Clocks
The Acuwake Sock Gently Rouses You From Sleep with Gentle Reflexology
Innovative Arboreal Showers
Innovative Arboreal Showers
The Smart-Shower Branches Out to Facilitate Every Step of Your Ritual
Vibrating Ring Alarm Clocks
Vibrating Ring Alarm Clocks
These Personal Vibrating Alarm Clocks Gently Wake You Up
Dental Health-Tracking Toothbrushes
Dental Health-Tracking Toothbrushes
The Foreo Issa From CES 2014 Will Keep You on Your Tooth Game
Full-Body Blow-Dryers
Full-Body Blow-Dryers
The B-Dry Replaces the Towel in Your Bathroom to Reduce Bacterial Exposure
Spreadable Preserves Packaging
Spreadable Preserves Packaging
The Jam Brush Tube Streamlines the Task of Dressing Your Toast
Interactive Bathroom Entertainment Systems
Interactive Bathroom Entertainment Systems
The Mirror 2.0 Tailors Our Private Bathroom Experience