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23 Stark Trek Home Essentials

From Commander Seatings to Spock Cookie Jars

— May 17, 2013 — Tech
With the new Star Trek film in theatres this week, the presence of the series will revitalize a battle among peers in finding out who’s the ultimate Trekkie. There has always been a competition between fanboys and fangirls when it comes to acquiring the title of ultimate Trekkie. The intensity that hardcore fans bring can be overwhelming for some people, but it’s part and parcel of being a true fan of the sci-fi series.

Fans of the sci-fi series can showcase their love for the Stat Trek franchise with these Star Trek-themed house utensils. From Star Trek apartment complexes to intergalactic doorbells, true fans of the series can showcase what it really means to be a Trekkie with these Earth-bound products.
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Galactic Marine Plushes
Galactic Marine Plushes
The 'Spock-topus' is a Hilarious Mash-Up
Spicy Sodium Hybrid Salt
Spicy Sodium Hybrid Salt
This Vulcan Fire Salt Packs a Blazing Punch of Flavor
Cozy Sc-Fi Touchscreen Covers
Cozy Sc-Fi Touchscreen Covers
‘Knitter Who’ from Etsy Has Crafted These Epic Star Trek
Sci-Fi Intergalactic Seasonings
Sci-Fi Intergalactic Seasonings
These Star Trek Enterprese & Shuttle Shakers Geekily Flavors Meals
Vulcan Sign Oven Mitts
Vulcan Sign Oven Mitts
Live Long and Prosper While Using the Spock Oven Mitt
Trekkie Kitchen Accessories
Trekkie Kitchen Accessories
The Vulcan Oven Mitt by Meninos Ensures You Live Long and Prosper
Cozy Commander Cover-Ups
Cozy Commander Cover-Ups
These Star Trek Bathrobes Will Make You Feel like Captain Kirk
Sci-Fi Housecoats
Sci-Fi Housecoats
The Star Trek Bathrobe Will Make You Feel at Home on the USS Enterprise
Epic Intergalactic Door Bells
Epic Intergalactic Door Bells
The Star Trek Door Chime is Perfect for any Interstellar Abode
Intergalactic Cookie Jars
Intergalactic Cookie Jars
Westland Giftware Releases its Spock Star Trek Cookie Jar
Sci-Fi Flying Surfaces
Sci-Fi Flying Surfaces
The Star Trek Table Lets You Live Long and Prosper
Sci-Fi Pie Slicers (UPDATE)
Sci-Fi Pie Slicers (UPDATE)
The Gold Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter is a Limited-Edition Piece
Geeky Galactic Gramophones
Geeky Galactic Gramophones
The Star Wars Record Player Will Make Nerds Happy
Trekkie Kitchenware
Trekkie Kitchenware
The Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter Explores Cheesy Terrains
Sci-Fi Envelope Knives
Sci-Fi Envelope Knives
The Klingon Letter Opener is Based On the Star Trek Weapon the Bat'leth
Geeky Collectable Cutlery
Geeky Collectable Cutlery
Star Trek Starfleet Academy Spork Explores Strange New Worlds
Intergalactic Kitchen Tools
Intergalactic Kitchen Tools
Star Trek Pizza Cutter Beams Down at the Buick ‘Regal Remix'
Spacecraft-Inspired Surfaces
Spacecraft-Inspired Surfaces
The Starship Enterprise Coffee Table is for Star Trek Fans
Sci-Fi Seating
Sci-Fi Seating
The Star Trek Inflatable Captain's Chair Fulfills Fans' Wildest Fantasies
Haute Galactic Footwear
Haute Galactic Footwear
Raphael Young's Futuristic Fashions for A/W 2009
Star Trek Seating
Star Trek Seating
The Joquer Oru Armchair Looks Geometric and Intergalactic
Enterprising Sci-Fi Man Caves
Enterprising Sci-Fi Man Caves
This Star Trek Room Boldly Goes Where No Apartment Has Gone Before