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31 Social Entrepreneurs Inspired by Reading

How Founders Take Some Time Off to Reboot

— June 21, 2013 — Social Good has done dozens of interviews and the featured social entrepreneurs inspired by reading have cited numerous books that they turn to in order to reset, reboot, recharge and get themselves on their way to be ready for another busy and long day as they start up their own social business or social enterprise. Some of the thinkers here didn't cite books but simply cited reading more generally as a way for them to learn about what's going on in the field at large -- or perhaps they dived into a little fiction in order to get their mind off of things.

Some of these social entrepreneurs inspired by reading, like Barb Stegemann of Dragon's Den, who founded an ethical perfume company called 'The 7 Virtues,' have written books on their own.
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Tracey Spokes, Artistic Director of 13th Theatre Company (INTERVIEW)
Tracey Spokes, Artistic Director of 13th Theatre Company (INTERVIEW)
Dave Simnick and Eric Vong, Founders of SoapBox Soaps (INTERVIEW)
Dave Simnick and Eric Vong, Founders of SoapBox Soaps (INTERVIEW)
1 for 1 Soap that Gives Back
Tim Draimin, Executive Director of Social Innovation Generation (INTERVIEW)
Tim Draimin, Executive Director of Social Innovation Generation (INTERVIEW)
Part Two
Dave Llorens, CEO of 1BOG (INTERVIEW)
Dave Llorens, CEO of 1BOG (INTERVIEW)
Making Home Solar Affordable
Tim Draimin, Executive Director of Social Innovation Generation (INTERVIEW)
Tim Draimin, Executive Director of Social Innovation Generation (INTERVIEW)
Part One
Piyush Mangukiya, Founder of EducateNCare (INTERVIEW)
Piyush Mangukiya, Founder of EducateNCare (INTERVIEW)
Felix Cheung, Founder of DopeHut (INTERVIEW)
Felix Cheung, Founder of DopeHut (INTERVIEW)
Online Store for Socially Aware Streetwear
Meg Wirth, CEO of Maternova (INTERVIEW)
Meg Wirth, CEO of Maternova (INTERVIEW)
Linking Doctors & Midwives with Low-Cost Medical Supplies
Dr. Jordan Kassalow, Founder and CEO of VisionSpring (INTERVIEW)
Dr. Jordan Kassalow, Founder and CEO of VisionSpring (INTERVIEW)
Nathan Rothstein, Marketing and Sales at Project Repat
Nathan Rothstein, Marketing and Sales at Project Repat
Artisan-Empowering Enterprise
Thurlow Hanson-Moore, Founder of the TOUCH Initiative (INTERVIEW)
Thurlow Hanson-Moore, Founder of the TOUCH Initiative (INTERVIEW)
Socially Innovative Rugby Balls
Katie Jeanes, Founder of A Little More Good (INTERVIEW)
Katie Jeanes, Founder of A Little More Good (INTERVIEW)
Helping People in Vancouver Give Back
Eve Friedman, Founder of Eve Echo (INTERVIEW)
Eve Friedman, Founder of Eve Echo (INTERVIEW)
Beauty Products That Provide Microloans
Leslie Beasley, Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Open Arms Shop (INTERVIEW)
Leslie Beasley, Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Open Arms Shop (INTERVIEW)
Emily Holdridge, Co-Founder of Everything Happy (INTERVIEW)
Emily Holdridge, Co-Founder of Everything Happy (INTERVIEW)
Kid's One-for-One Blanket Business
Worldstock (INTERVIEW)
Worldstock (INTERVIEW)
In Commemoration of the Passing of World Fair Trade Day
Eric Cope, Founder of Smile Squared (INTERVIEW)
Eric Cope, Founder of Smile Squared (INTERVIEW)
One for One Toothbrushes
Mike Radparvar, Co-Founder of Holstee (INTERVIEW)
Mike Radparvar, Co-Founder of Holstee (INTERVIEW)
On Using a Manifesto, Not a Business Plan
Ajay Godhwani, Founder & CEO of Intuary (INTERVIEW)
Ajay Godhwani, Founder & CEO of Intuary (INTERVIEW)
Verbally for iPad
Rachel Cope, Co-Founder of Lazy Angel (INTERVIEW)
Rachel Cope, Co-Founder of Lazy Angel (INTERVIEW)
Browser Ad-On that Fights Malnutrition
Jennifer Gootman, Executive Director of Global Goods Partners (INTERVIEW)
Jennifer Gootman, Executive Director of Global Goods Partners (INTERVIEW)
Fair Trade Online Store
Barb Stegemann, CEO of The 7 Virtues (INTERVIEW)
Barb Stegemann, CEO of The 7 Virtues (INTERVIEW)
Stacy McCoy, Co-Founder of Give to Get Jobs
Stacy McCoy, Co-Founder of Give to Get Jobs
Social Enterprise and Nonprofit Job Board
Assaf Weisz, Founder of Venture Deli (INTERVIEW)
Assaf Weisz, Founder of Venture Deli (INTERVIEW)
Assaf Weisz
Nick Foley, Founder of Celebrate the Hero (INTERVIEW)
Nick Foley, Founder of Celebrate the Hero (INTERVIEW)
Anti-Bullying Initiative
Jimmy Ostholm, Founder & CEO of The Porteur Foundation (INTERVIEW)
Jimmy Ostholm, Founder & CEO of The Porteur Foundation (INTERVIEW)
Merete Mueller, Writer & Producer of The Tiny Documentary (INTERVIEW)
Merete Mueller, Writer & Producer of The Tiny Documentary (INTERVIEW)
Small Home Movement
Sharon Schneider, Founder & CEO of Good Karma Clothing for Kids (INTERVIEW)
Sharon Schneider, Founder & CEO of Good Karma Clothing for Kids (INTERVIEW)
Brooks Dame, Founder of Proof Eyewear (INTERVIEW)
Brooks Dame, Founder of Proof Eyewear (INTERVIEW)
Sustainable Wood Sunglasses with a Cause
Bridget Hilton and Ben Richardson, Co-Founders of Jack's Soap (INTERVIEW)
Bridget Hilton and Ben Richardson, Co-Founders of Jack's Soap (INTERVIEW)
1 for 1 Soap