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29 Quirky Simpsons Illustrations

From Cartoon Hybrid Pop Icons to Mosaic Cartoon Creations

— July 8, 2015 — Pop Culture
These Simpsons illustrations portray the iconic cartoons like never before. While Homer, Bart, Marge, Lisa and Maggie are the stars of their own hit series, they also happen to star in these innovative art pieces.

Cartoon hybrid pop icons transform beloved Simpsons characters into other pop icons such as Drake and the cast of 'Spring Breakers.' 8-bit cartoon drawings showcase the family as characters in a pixelated video game, while contorted anatomy drawings are Simpsons illustrations that depict a more distorted view on the cartoon family.

These illustrations also include a line of fun and creative mash-ups that fuse various pop culture aesthetics. Sci-fi cult cartoons showcase a Star Wars version of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson while cartoon medieval mash-ups cast the family in 'Game of Thrones.' .
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Re-Animated Artistry
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