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26 Sci-Fi Drinking Accessories

From Intergalactic Bottle Poppers to Imperial Guard Coffee Cups

— July 13, 2013 — Art & Design
When it comes to having a drink at home with your friends, having items that reflect your personal style and taste can make the experience much more enjoyable, and these Sci-Fi drinking accessories will perfectly suit anyone with an interest in intergalactic themes.

With such Sci-Fi films as the Star Wars saga and Star Trek movies garnering such widespread popularity around the globe, there's no surprise as to why so many pieces of memorabilia and collectables have been coming out into the market. And these nerdy drinking accessories are just a few great examples of how this Sci-Fi craze is making its way onto ordinary items such as cups and kitchenware.

From galactic globe chillers to spacecraft bottle openers, these Sci-Fi drinking accessories will certainly make any ordinary party much more entertaining.
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Sci-Fi Commemorative Cups
Sci-Fi Commemorative Cups
Collect All 12 of these Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Mugs
Intergalactic Droid Coolers
Intergalactic Droid Coolers
The R2-D2 Ice Tray Keeps Drinks Frosty and Geeky
Galactic Bottle Openers
Galactic Bottle Openers
The Space Invaders Bottle Opener Pays Tribute to the Iconic Game
Sci-Fi Java Producers
Sci-Fi Java Producers
This R2D2 Coffeemaker Keeps You Away from the Dark Side
Super Nerdy Stemware
Super Nerdy Stemware
Star Trek Insignia Glasses are Perfect for Trekkie-Themed Fine Dining
Daring Droid Cups
Daring Droid Cups
Indulge in Hard Alcohol with the Detailed R2D2 10oz Glass
Sci-Fi Booze Storage
Sci-Fi Booze Storage
The At-At Liquor Cabinet is Perfect for the Mos Eisley Cantina
Dweeby Ice Trays
Dweeby Ice Trays
Fill That Glass at the Cantina with the Han Solo Silicon Tray
Intergalactic Bottle Poppers
Intergalactic Bottle Poppers
The Star Wars Lightsaber Bottle Opener is a Sci-Fi Lovers Best Friend
Ferocious Dragon Bottle Openers
Ferocious Dragon Bottle Openers
This Gothic Looking Beverage Popper is for Those Who Love Fantasy
Sci-Fi Drink Chillers
Sci-Fi Drink Chillers
Star Wars Ice Cube Trays Put the Force in Your Fridge
Sci-Fi Robot Cups
Sci-Fi Robot Cups
The Star Wars C-3PO Mug is a Great Gift for Geeks
Sci-Fi Booze Poppers
Sci-Fi Booze Poppers
The Death Star Bottle Opener Will be a Blast at Any Party
Epic Sci-Fi Water
Epic Sci-Fi Water
Evian Makes a Bottle Design Fit for a Jedi Warrior
Sci-Fi Coffee Machines
Sci-Fi Coffee Machines
These Star Wars Coffee Makers Pay Tribute to the Iconic Franchise
Dark Force Coffee Makers
Dark Force Coffee Makers
Star Wars Coffee Maker Gives Fans of Sci-Fi Cult Hit Some Caffiene
Spacecraft Bottle Openers
Spacecraft Bottle Openers
The Millennium Falcon Bottle Opener Presents Intergalactic Fun
Robotic Booze Containers
Robotic Booze Containers
The R2D2 Sci-Fi Flask is Epically Out of This World
Intergalactic Booze Chillers
Intergalactic Booze Chillers
Alien Beer Cooler is a Spacey Design Dream
Galactic Globe Chillers
Galactic Globe Chillers
The Star Wars Death Star Silicone Ice Cube Tray is Geeky Cool
Sci-Fi Phone Booth Coolers
Sci-Fi Phone Booth Coolers
The TARDIS Mini Fridge is a Dr. Who-Themed Food-Saver
Sci-Fi Caffeine Machines
Sci-Fi Caffeine Machines
The Podi Coffee Maker Will Jumpstart Your Heart
Galactic Elixir Vessels
Galactic Elixir Vessels
The Evian Star Wars Bottle Design is Out of This World
Sci-Fi Boozy Glass Beakers
Sci-Fi Boozy Glass Beakers
The Blade Runner Whisky Tumbler is Genuinely Replicated
Imperial Guard Coffee Cups
Imperial Guard Coffee Cups
Drink in Intergalactic Style with the Star Wars Stormtrooper Travel Mug
Sci-Fi Alcohol Cabinets
Sci-Fi Alcohol Cabinets
The AT-AT Display Brings Together the World of Sci-Fi and Alcohol