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18 Scary Places to Visit

From Undead Eateries to Haunted Hotels

— October 29, 2014 — World
If you're feeling up for some adventure this Halloween, these scary places to visit are ideal for those who aren't afraid of a few scares. These hotels, restaurants and travel packages are all about facing fears and checking out some of the creepiest places around the world.

Fans of the Walking Dead can immerse themselves in Zombie Boot Camp, which is set up like a post-apocalyptic world where you're challenged to defend yourself with a paint gun against the undead. For something that will involve less adrenaline, but just as much of a thrill, there's also the Dark Souls Cafe in Tokyo that's staged to look like the medieval horror world you'll find in the Dark Souls 2 video game.
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Horror Film Wine Festivals
Horror Film Wine Festivals
The Dead Lake Horror and Wine Festival Combines Vino and Gory Flicks
Haunted House Apps
Haunted House Apps
The 'Night Terrors' App is a Nightmarish Augmented Reality Game
Eerily Haunted Accommodations
Eerily Haunted Accommodations
Winchester Mystery House Hosts Sleepover Parties for the Brave
Sin-Inspired Accommodations
Sin-Inspired Accommodations
The Vice Versa Hotel Encourages Guests to Indulge in Debaucherous Acts
Ugly Animal Cafes
Ugly Animal Cafes
The Blobfish Cafe in Shoreditch Will Have Three Blobfish Hosts
Abandoned American Asylums
Abandoned American Asylums
Photographer Jeremy Harris Captures a Long Gone Era
Undead Hunting Vacations
Undead Hunting Vacations
Zombie Boot Camp Puts You in a Post-Apocalyptic World
Creepy Cavernous Lodging
Creepy Cavernous Lodging
The Sala Silvermine is the Deepest Subterranean Hotel in the World
Sinister Subterranean Tours
Sinister Subterranean Tours
Creepy Paris Catacombs Are the Perfect Halloween Expedition
Medieval Horror Game Restaurants
Medieval Horror Game Restaurants
The Dark Souls Cafe is Designed for Fans of the Video Game Series
Paranormal Nightmarish Hotels
Paranormal Nightmarish Hotels
The MAMA Movie Pop-up Hotel Invites Guest to a Spooky Night
Interactive Paranormal Museums
Interactive Paranormal Museums
The Contemporary Museum in Tokyo Provides a Ghostly Experience
Human Tattoo Galleries
Human Tattoo Galleries
The World's First Human Tattoo Gallery Featured Inked Human Exhibits
Paranormal Party Places
Paranormal Party Places
Chicago's Excalibur Nightclub is a Hip Haunt, Literally (SPONSORED)
Haunted Hotels
Haunted Hotels
Spooky Stays in Canada
Humble Haunted Houses
Humble Haunted Houses
The Ivy House Goes From Derelict to Chic
Undead Eateries
Undead Eateries
The Vampire Cafe is a Twihard's Dream Come True (UPDATE)
Modern Ruins
Modern Ruins
Russian Castles Rotting
Eerie Abandoned Architecture Photography
Eerie Abandoned Architecture Photography
Niki Feijen's 'Decay' series is Endearingly Spooky
Modern Ghost Towns
Modern Ghost Towns
10 Recently-Abandoned Cities