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30 Satirical Celebrity Blogs

From Parodical Princess Memes to Famous Facial Alterations

— August 14, 2012 — Unique
Perusing satirical celebrity blogs may just be most entertaining way to pass the time on a rainy day indoors. Or any day indoors, for that matter.

In today's era, the blog and meme is an Internet fiend's best friend, hence the popularity of the photoblog community of Tumblr. The internet community loves trolling -- that is making a mockery of others -- and who better to troll than celebrities who are incessantly photographed (to their dismay)? There are scores of blogs dedicated to documenting celebrities who are not shining their best while in the spotlight -- it's hard to look fabulous 24/7, after all. Some examples of such sites include 'Celebrity Close Up,' 'Celebs with No Eyebrows,' and 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses,' which are all rather self explanatory.

There is no denying that fame and popularity come with some sort of price.

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